Get two birds stoned at once is probably a daily saying around my house.

Rofl no fuck the new version, its dumb as hell, doesnt even come close to the original.

Now this is what ive been waiting for!

Pre-fabricated is what i shouldve said. Ones pre-built and then sold.

In the new Walking dead Spin off the ones who live, Rick grimes pulls a frag grenade out pulls the pin, tosses it 2 feet in front of him in a crowd of walkers and he walks away unscathed, like fat chance you survive but all the walkers turn into ground meat.

Looks like a fabricated house, maybe was being shipped somewhere and ship lost its cargo.

Be patient youll find someone to love, shit makes me wanna rip my hair out.

I read the title and instantly thought shit post, then i actually read the post and it got wholesome.

Great grandfather actually my bad, i wasnt alive at the time but im positive he didnt die from drinking, just stories from my mom.

what i want to know is how the camera guy didnt step on the second one considering he literally stepped in that exact spot the other soldier did.

Well shit, that front end looks identical to the tacoma mall.