Ah yes, my favourite book, THS BBLE

Yes. The run ender. Separating the weak from the psychotic. It is necessary

How many fucking shamans does one person need? xD

I usually build near where you find the handgun raft, the beach is open and usually idiots only come from one direction and you can see them coming from a mile away.

What an absolute legend. Damn. I wish to be like him.

Und so was darf wählen. Also offiziell. What the fuck deutschland

I think I'm gonna have to say inner isshin is probably the boss I died most to. Everything else, yes including shitty malenia, wasn't much of an issue to me, just a lot of trial and error to get the timings right, but 3 phase inner isshin where on death you get to redo the entire gauntlet before him did take me like a good few days to beat.

Go to that room where you find said person the first time and look around very carefully. Not sure if before or after burned ashina makes a difference there, but I know you find... Things there

Ich finds immer wieder intressant Wie viele Deutsche die Deutsche sprache so schlecht verstehen dass sie das Vegan neben dem Schnitzel anscheinend so oft verlesen dass es sie politisch so richtig wütend macht. Smh

Ja manchmal.. wenns ausschaut Wie ne ente und schwimmt Wie ne ente und dann Noch quakt Wie ne ente.. ja dann ist es halt meistens auch ne ente. Also die Nazis die naziparolen brüllen und nazisachen Machen und dann Noch von Nazis gewählt werden, die sind dann meistens auch einfach Nazis.

DAMN my god I felt that burn are you okay rn?

Joa ausländer raus klingt für mich jetzt auch nicht rechts, Aber ich hab auch ne rechtslinks schwäche

At some point your fingies learn what to do. My own first ever geni kill was brain off ooga booga and I parried and mikirid better than when I actually thought about the fight. Most bosses aside from demon and mongy are best beaten by fighting with your brain on like twice and if that don't work, brain off ooga booga let fingies do what they do

Mist noble wins if this is soldier of godrick. If this is rick, soldier of god though, we might be in trouble here.

Broo I love horizon zero dawn, this looks so good!

I mean 0 spacial awareness possibility 4 cunts abyss, yes. But lightning unicorn funhouse is worse, I agree

Das ist ein fladenbrot sandwich, sehr geil Aber kein döner

Ds1's abyss, that shit, and the first part of consecrated snowfield in elden ring, can all go suck a fat egg

🥐 help what does this mean