Yep. I tried switching to dark mode since a bunch of people said it made a difference, but it makes my eyes strain way too much. Almost instant pain. Changing the hue of my screen to just slightly red instead of blue and turning down the brightness helps me more.

Opinion probably varies between providers, but the FDA considers it a class C drug for pregnancy (potential for fetal harm, but only tested on animals) so I’d talk with your OB about weighing the reward v potential risk.

Chronic back pain with mild scoliosis, PCOS, hiatal hernia/GERD, asthma, and currently getting evaluated for IC. I also suspect ASD, as my daughter was diagnosed with high functioning autism and I have more traits than she does…but not sure I want to go down a diagnosis path.

I think there’s a migraine epidemic and medication shortage post covid. Only one kaiser pharmacy in the entirety of my metro area had nortriptyline in stock.

Yes, they’ve changed since starting preventatives. I used to never get visual aura (only physical), but now I occasionally get visual snow with flashing RGB lights, especially at night.

You’re not allowed to post here. But if you’re that disturbed you shouldn’t have donated in the first place. That sounds like a you problem.

From the photo, it looks like she multiplied families across clinics x the max number of children. I think it’s realistically much lower than that, but basically it’s the maximum possible. That said, I believe for DCP born in the 80s, the expected DNA test rate is fairly on par [or slightly higher] with the general population due to the fact that most of us were never informed or if we were, it was still massively taboo. (Birth reporting rates were also low.) Google says the Australian population has about a 22% DNA test rate, so assuming testing around 25%, I think she’s looking at least 200+ siblings.

Another vote for both of these brands. The MA mousse is the only thing that comes even close to my beloved discontinued Pantene. And the MA curl envy cream and NYM gel are regularly in my line up.

I’ve only had one where the vomiting just didn’t stop and it’s the only time I’ve had to go to the ER for a migraine. I vomited so much that I could no longer feel my face or hands, and it scared the crap out of me. I was just insanely dehydrated, but thank goodness for drugs.

Same. I don’t usually vomit until day 2-3, but I know once it happens I’ve probably hit the worst of the pain and it’s downhill from there.

Same. I don’t really get visual auras, but uncontrollable yawning is a surefire prodrome symptom.

Have you tried nortriptyline? Jury’s still out for me on whether it works (I’m not at the full dose yet), but it has much fewer side effects for me compared to amitriptyline.

There are women in our neighborhood that will bring their entire brood of children straight onto our property to pick ours dry, 9 times out of 10 without asking. I’d let anyone who asks pick some, but when we catch them doing it without asking, they get a very unkind banishing from our property with a threat to involve law enforcement if they’re caught again. This happens multiple times every year. They always pretend it was “just a few” or to not understand what they could possibly be doing wrong. Well I’m not home depot and this isn’t public property, so there’s literally no excuse.

I wanted to plant flowers along our property line but I know they’d get stripped by these same women the literal second they bloomed. Might plant something super thorny and painful instead, just out of spite.

Topamax gave me the worst uti I’ve ever had, to the point I thought I might have a kidney infection. All clear in the end, but I was miserable on it. I’d definitely ask for a urinalysis.

Yes, I switched triptans because of it. It felt like I couldn’t move or breathe without effort.

Cold! Heat makes the pain worse.

You know, I don’t know if headphones trigger you as well, but I have found that active noise canceling headphones work better than earplugs. Not perfect, but at least an improvement. Listening to an audiobook or podcast at a normal volume, but on noise canceling setting can help break up that constant droning a bit.

Yes, I’m super sensitive to low frequency sounds (cars, loud bass music, air conditioner, etc). I’ve always been sensitive, but it seems to have gotten worse in recent years. I can feel the vibration in my ears and head. It physically hurts and definitely triggers migraines. And earplugs don’t really drown out bass vibrations, so they’re borderline useless. My pipe dream is to live somewhere with no neighbors, lol. Apartment living was absolute hell, so I’m sorry!

I would bring it up with your doctor. I’ve been on it for years for chronic back pain and I’ve never experienced any of these. The tingling [and clumsiness] I could understand, due to the way it works, but the rest would concern me. I’m sorry you’re experiencing that!

I have rizatriptan, which does work if I take it early enough, but mine turned chronic last year and it’s just not cutting it. We’ll see how my third goes, but good to know you didn’t have to fight too hard after that third one. Thanks for the info!

Glad you finally got it! Topiramate is horrid. I didn’t realize quite how bad it was until I got off of it, and it was only two months. Feels like insurance trying to punish us for asking for help. Ugh.

Can I ask how many preventatives you had to go through with Kaiser before they approved it? I’ve failed two now, and am on my third…

For me, it’s a migraine symptom. Migraines can trigger the nerves around your sinuses and cause congestion, facial pain, and watery eyes. I get that pain right in between my eyebrows and around my eyes, but it’s also on either side of my head as well.

Yes. Almost immediately after my second bout of covid I went from 2 a month to having a migraine and/or headache every single day. It’s been that way for almost a year now. Covid is super inflammatory so it doesn’t surprise me. I also think it might have affected my heart and kidneys. My mom, who doesn’t even get migraines, had a headache every day for a year after her second bout too. She said they just disappeared one day, so crossing my fingers so hard, lol. I’ve had 4 vaccines with little to no reaction to any of them. But it was almost immediate after having covid.