
I don’t support hamas, I just also don’t support bombing hospitals

Don’t get me wrong we have expensive weed too, I’m just saying if you dig there’s good deals everywhere it’s legal. Paradoxically the delivery services are often way cheaper because they’re charging you for the delivery and giving you the products for mostly “free” so they don’t have to pay the extreme taxes

It feels completely legal but also the kind of thing the government is eventually gonna somehow stop

People seem to think you’re supposed to “take the point” by like killing the entire other team but because of how small the maps are that’s literally never gonna happen by firefighting like that

It’s so dumb lol

Kills only matter for one mode. It is possible to win the match even if everyone on your team gets less kills and less points than everyone on the other team

So stop fighting over B the entire frickin match if they control A and B

Occasionally grab A when you get respawned. Don’t be stubborn

What lol even in California you can get a good oz for 45

That sure is some brick weed. Smoked that shit for over a decade. Don’t really miss it lol

Those are extremely loose requirements, you’re finna have to be WAY more specific than just “no fast food”. Otherwise my answer is “yes, literally any job might fit those requirements depending on other factors”

Entry level jobs don’t test for weed because if they did they would have no employees

Most jobs don’t even care if you’re on meth


Dude. You’re watching a dumb corporate PR video and saying “maybe this is not real”

lol. All they want is for you to talk about it and that’s just what you’re doing

I mean do you guys not realize it’s incredibly likely that they do this exactly to create controversy?

Corporations are not people. Stop reacting to them as if they are.

It puts a land into play if it can. The reef is rising out of the water. Don’t be obtuse

Risen Reef makes perfect sense though. It represents the land coming alive and growing in size as it does so

I meant the rest. Why does a big Badger dude draw you cards and let you play more lands? Why the X?

It’s just really lazy when compared to good designs

Exactly, it’s a chill cozy game NOT the kind where you have to min max or do everything

What you need to realize is that you don’t need to fill your pack up every dive. It’s totally okay to just grab any new or rare fish and hop back out

Exercise some self restraint, the game is literally unloseable so if you don’t want to do long dives then just… don’t do them

I love the flavor in general but why does it add mana of any color

Why does it add mana at all???

They’re getting really lazy with mechanics and flavor now. Just whatever.

You can get 10 wins very quickly by making a brawl deck with Ragavan (or other extremely hated commander) because people will concede immediately very often

Maybe next time don’t write your email like a passive aggressive baby

The person who reads those emails definitely didn’t cause your issue. Maybe they DID read it and decided you sound like an ass so they thought “why should I help this turd wrangler?”

I hate when they don’t even make an attempt to marry the flavor and the mechanics.

Skill issue. He should never lose a 1v1 to Rieve