There's also the cost of stopping the production line at some point to do the special paint for a handful of cars. They're definitely making a hefty profit though for sure. Imagine 50 cars at that profit margin. And that's just for one color. Fml.

They end up selling it back to the dealer for a loss after all the maintenance is done on it. The cycle continues indefinitely. Creating a passive income on a car that otherwise would have been dumped for.

My preference is the refried beans. But this is a great alternative.

Guy on the right looks like Hikaru Nakamura.

Just like your wife when I'm laying down.

Now this is the real rap videos I remember. Them bitches were real back then. Holla at cha boy Kid Rock ehhhehhehh.

Don't be fooled. This is the Hellraier house.

I'm the opposite. The more I smoked the less I ate.


It's for the front end😏

I'm not an expert but I'd say Gilbert is highly motivated by food

I'd think about reliability and ease of maintenance. The more you can do yourself the cheaper. Could always work on a car like an integra. Legal go-karts for the road.

You can at least thank Lamborghini for the headlights you ungrateful sob.

And that's why the lollipop gang always seemed ornery.

Fr though. If Eminem can't say nigga yet then I'd really love to hear what he can do when he says wigga instead.

There's a lot of beauty in this world that we get cut off from each other for political reasons.

Just imagine what could be done if drummers had 4 arms and legs