Dragons dogma 2s world is soo dense and realistically laid out that I genuinely love walking through it all. I don't even use the fast travel barely at all

I've also had to unsub from most of my channels I like. My saviors have been eckhart ladder, and especially, my beloved, GenerationTech. This dude is literally the best.

It's sad to see soo many hate amd a lot of it is even before watching.

That one I'm really disappointed with and I'm really hoping that they do improve it because technically they have no obligation to. There's like four different types of missions and three of them aren't even mining it's fighting people. I didn't get a mining based expansion mod to not mine. I thought at least it would add mining lasers or something specific to shoot the rocks with but no nothing it just adds a mission that will tell you to go to a place since you tons and tons of rocks for RNG materials.

No I'm not a modder or whatever but it seems like it would be easy to implement mining into space. We have all of the elements already available on the ground, we have this scanner mode, we have a Graphic for a mining laser you could just kind of make that bigger maybe even change the color but you don't really need to and that's at least a start

But if Disney owns fox, they should stick it on there like they did with xmen

Spent literally weeks modding all of the fallout games to be more modern and fix bugs, intent on beating at least one of them.............now for so.e reason I'm into space sims and they are deleted. Soo much work gone

It's just fanboys really. They really like fo1, 2, and new vegas, and act like fo3 and 4 killed their dog and ruined the franchise.

I really do miss the brighter colors and weirder terrain. Also sometimes miss those ore mounds lol

At some point they decided to redo basically everything on the periodic table. You used to not have to build gas for your ship, so the red crystals were all plutonium and that's what the ship's took for gas

I always found that odd when people said that. When you wanna go somewhere new in your car you don't just point at it. You open your map and plot the route. I actually sometimes go to the nav table before I get in the seat to plot it out. Now that's immersion

When you say always find a weapon before going to the lodge, what does that mean? There aren't any hostile in there that I'm aware of

Yeah, there's always a creature trying to diddle your mouth in scifi horror

They have fixed it a bit and added waaaaay more pieces. But there's also mods that help out and a mod that let's settlers build their own stuff for a change according to plans you set down. Even has a fully voiced questline to it. Sim settlements 2. (Not sure why it's called 2 it's just the definitive version of the original not a sequel)

What's with Bethesda and normalizing drugs? There are soo many different drugs in fallout and now especially starfield? I always skip em but mostly just for role-playing reasons

May need a break, or find a game that's more of an experience like outer wilds, or something. I always like to try to either find a game with an interesting story, or a game I can immerse myself in. Maybe the what's the pointness you've been feeling are from gamey games and perhaps that's not what your brain wants anymore. It craves complexity and engagement. I went as far as playing immersive sim games like elite dangerous and star citizen cuz I just wanted to feel like I was in the world living that life. And then I play either weird games like fatum betula, or interesting story games like the outer wilds and what remains of Edith finch.

As for gamey games the only ones I can get into is dark souls amd the like. They force you to really pay attention and engage. And how much you engage is hoe much you get back. No autopilot gaming here. I hope this helps, I get stuck in ruts where nothing seems fun and it may be the games, or it may be something in your life outside of gaming, affecting your joy

Maybe it's not playing well with your graphics card? Idk I can run it fine on steam deck

I have an odd question. Did they remove jump gates? Tried it a while back and couldn't get I to it. Trying it again today and the controller works a bit better now. But I am going to fix the robot and I thought I had to go to a warp gat to do that but this time I warped to the system on my own.

Very true. Sucks that people are doing it this way nowadays.

Where are you in the game? I fought that first boss on the bridge like 10 times before I realized the game was telling me to go explore elsewhere and come back more prepared. I figured I was supposed to follow the golden light

I was kind of put off when they revealed more about it and showed that the game has much more of a street gang action comedy gta mood, than a bladerunner mood, that it seemed like it was going to have based on that first cinematic trailer

I wanted to like it soo much, but it just felt like they stripped away a lot of the actual rpg elements and even removed choices when it came to like, armor. I also didn't like the gritty dirty esthetic that it, and now eso have. Not gritty as in dark either, gritty ad in it looks like everything you touch in that game would have a rough texture to it

Same here. Seems like a stupid reason but I just don't like cowboy stuff. Also doesn't help I don't like the mechanics of gta. But really my brain is just dumb

Cowboys, :(

Cowboys IN SPACE, :)