My symptoms were bloating and fatigue. I think it started around week 4-5 and it hasn't stopped yet at 19 weeks. I didn't get nausea thankfully.

I'm pregnant with my first, probably last for the mental health and financial reasons as well. I have 2 younger siblings and I'm not close to either of them, we see each other and speak for holidays and birthdays basically. Husband also has one younger who has dove very much into the right, conspiracies, and "alpha" syndrome. They still speak more than my siblings but he has to keep him at arms length and with select topics. All 3 siblings are 30+ yr old adults and live with their parents because of finances.

Point being, neither of us feel that siblings will be a friend for life. Additionally, with the current economic situation and from what we notice with our siblings, there is an actually decent chance we will be living with this child well into adulthood.

I had to tell the radiologist I wanted photos, then she put them on a USB which I picked up at the administration afterwards.

Sounds like during the day to day in your house, your husband needs to take on more of the house responsibilities (cooking, cleaning) on a more 50/50 basis. Then you can sit and watch a cartoon with her occasionally. This might help to show her you're not 100% work and he's 100% relax and fun.

I made this decision, currently pregnant so I can't answer how having a child has changed my life. Husband really wanted 2, I was very content to have 0. He didn't give me an ultimatum or anything but it was very clear that being father was important to him. We're both mid 30s so it was kind of a now or never situation. I don't know if it was my logical reasoning for not having children, or him feeling desperate for any, but he moved from 2 kids to wanting 1.

He loves kids and is a very active member in our house for chores and responsibilities so I have zero reason to think he wouldn't make make a great father. I feel like if I got overwhelmed raising our child that I can turn to him to give me breaks. I agreed mostly because it is so important to him, and I did warm up to the idea of new life experiences and expanding our family.

I'm pregnant with my first. My husband found out that he has a genetic heart defect, a variation of cardiomyopathy arrhythmia, which has a 50% chance of passing down with only 1 carrier. It's one of the reasons I am considering being OAD.

[Ca]How to tell your child that the reason they don't have siblings is because of financial reasons?Question

Living in Canada has gotten very expensive, even here in a smaller town. It's feeling highly unlikely that my husband and I are going to be able to afford a second child. We are already mid/late 30s and out incomes have not been keeping up with the cost of living.

How can I phrase this reasoning in a way that a young child can understand. I'm hoping that I'm never asked but almost inevitably I will be.

How do you keep grass and weeds from growing in with the thyme?

I feel like when this is someone's go to response it is their primary reason for choosing to have multiples. Which I don't feel is a "good" reason.

Why doctors have only specified checking for folic acid so far. What's the benefit to DHA (mine don't contain it either)

It's already more "normal" than 20 years ago, and I think we are going to continue to see a trend of childless families.

I want to travel eventually and stop struggling financially.

It's a difficult time in a lot of ways for sure. Wonder how larger families are able to get by.

Yes! It's such a shame that finances is such a major factor in the decision to have more children.

This is a really good point! Will wait and see how the next few years play out :) thanks for the reply.

[On]Single child families are the most common type in Canada, does this seem true in your area?Question

I've seen a couple articles that refer to stats canada data that single child families are the most common now, with one site stating single children account for 45%, two children 38%, and 16.6% at three or more children per family, but notes that this varies across provinces.,Ontario%2C%20Quebec.%2C%20and%20P.E.I.

I live in Central Ontario and in my area 2 kids per family seem to be the norm. This got me curious, how many children seems to be the norm in your area?

My husband told me that he wished he could be the pregnant one, sincerely when we found out I was pregnant. I honestly believe if he was a woman, he would be one that was pregnant most of the time with a bunch of kids lol.

Thank you putting such a detailed perspective on the large Christmas dinners aspect. I didn't know I needed to read that today but feel mentally lighter now that I have.

Her daughter wants a sibling that she can play with now. She doesn't understand that it will start as a crying infant who will take mommy and daddy's time and it won't be for a couple years that she will have her play mate, who may or may not enjoy playing with each other