Hmm, I think it could work really well with X. Every week a new maverick attacks, and Zero can be the secondary hero.

Damn, I’m an atheist but how can I argue against such solid evidence??

What makes this scene 100% more sad is that the little girl who played Anne-Marie (Judith Barsi) and her mother were both murdered by her father before this movie came out. This goodbye was the last scene she ever recorded.

Personally I just never liked the whole “assist” system in any game. I like my fighting games to be 1 on 1 and I dislike when another character jumps in, does a single move, and then leaves.

I get that other people like it, and that’s fine. It’s just not for me.

That was a sweet song, but damn… way to make the guy feel guilty for not being able to stop the inexorable march of time.


Black RX’s Revolcane is still my favorite to this day.

Didn’t you watch the video? The kid wrecked that grown ass man and was laughing the whole time.

In this timeline his transformation to Noob is very gradual. It happens over several weeks.

Why would you think that? Have you purposely done something wrong?


Whoa, I never knew they were based on a real person! I guess that makes sense in a game that also had Axl and Slash from Guns N’ Roses.

Uh oh, here we go again lol.

Yeah, Poison doesn’t count as a female in this game. When this happened in global there were tons of people here asking this same exact question. I’m guessing we’re going to see it happen again now.

The box art made me think this game was about a badass guy with a handgun, so I bought it. Turns out it’s some baby who throws lemons! I want my money back

It’s like exercising a muscle. I can experience sadness in a safe, controlled environment. That way, when something sad actually happens to me, I’m able to deal with it easier.

Ooh yeah, that’s a good one!

I’ve found that one of the biggest lies in life is that we can be “behind” on anything. Dating, sex, college, career, family, etc. There are no actual timelines for any of these things, and believing there was almost ruined my life.

Just do things at your own pace. Rushing through life to hit arbitrary goals in a make believe competition will just end with you being miserable with a bunch of half-assed life experiences.

He’s got the GUTS!!!

If I was new to the franchise, Cole Young would have been a turn off. Lewis Tan was great and could have really shined as someone else, but Cole is just corny. Scorpion’s great great grandson?? Really??

Yeah I gotta agree with red on this one. Abortion shouldn’t replace condoms or birth control pills. I also support it but it shouldn’t be so casual.

And I suspect blue is the one who’s never gotten laid.

One time I looked over to the next car and saw a woman driving while eating spaghetti. She had the container in her left hand, a fork in her right, and she was steering with her elbows. It was so ridiculously irresponsible that I couldn’t help but laugh.