When we get rid of 30 year career politicians and their children?

Wealthy people really. Always been that way too.

Federal Libs have always been known to put thier wealthy Laurentian voters ahead of everyone else.

I'm more worried about the govs lack of diligence when handling private data. Incompetent people shouldn't be allowed access to such things.

Yall should have thought about that in 2014 before you all jumped on the (dare I say it?) woke wagon. This is exactly what the "right wing" was talking about, but apparently Listening to each other is fascist or some bullshit like that.

But hey all those likes everyone got on social for "not being racist" sure tickled the endorphin generator huh?

Its sad that all the information is right there and yet our leaders still act like its the worlds biggest fucking mystery. Lets import some more uneducated workers!


A song that me and Kerry agree is shit.

Canadians will touch any condition as long as they are paid fairly.

Reading comprehension has left the chat.

Waiting for Trump to do anything at all seeing as he spent the entire time in office at the golf course.

Step 1 and really the only step: Get rid of that god awful 1050ti.

This is what we get for not encouraging a degree of nationalism. People here are so bitch made we sold every single one of our home operations to anything but another Canadian and with a smile on our faces.

This country is fucked and we have no one to thank besides ourselves.

Nope, just another bullshit marketing term everyome keeps falling for. Only thing we have a shortage on is quality medical workers, education, and a few other things our Politicians hate for some reason.

Canadians will touch any condition as long as they are paid fairly.

Getting really tired of that one.

What caused this is people using loans to pay back loans.

Isn't it funny on how we're all crown states that are identified as "independent" yet seem to act like we're still under crown rule?

Something smells like shit to me and its a very long money trail.

Isn't it crazy on how far away we were getting from that? And then we started to vote for politicians obsessed with the royal family.

So long as they hold any power in this country at all, we really aren't an independent nation and it shows when we cowtoe to their financial allies.

Lost or bored and waiting for new content? I want something smarter to fight.

So resilient that it surprise buttfucks people on a regular basis. Its known for being a bank scam for a reason.


Pretty sure sandy is a full spine replacement.


Anything that would fix epilepsy really...


Cassius is pretty chill.

It only lasted this long because we let our ego's get ahead of us and now the bubble is bigger than its been in 40 years.