He was one of the few from the get go. I the first 10 years had a lot more moments of directors having a say, while the MCU machine was still finding it's footing. I can tell you who directed what from most of those MCU movies, but outside of Raimi, and the guy that directed all the Spiderman solo films, I can't think of anyone's name of any of the post Endgame films, aside from Gunn for GotG3 of course.

I don't think the MCU has as much creative freedom for directors unless they like what the directors are doing. Hence why they and Edgar Wright went their separate ways on Ant-Man. Gunn was doing a lot of uncredited script doctoring for them too. Hell, Whedon gave them a massive hit with the first Avengers movie, and they still forced him to add in certain elements for Age of Ultron, though they still basically aped his style with the quippy heroes ever since.

She just wants to make her stepfather happy.

May the the fight with the crocs go better than the fight with the EMUs did.

People are complicated beasts. No matter how close of friends you are to someone, there is always going to be something about them you aren't aware of.

You can never truly know another person. And even a person who usually the nicest person in the world that everyone looks up to, can do really something really shitty.

Like for example, I know someone who often presents himself as a champion of women. Everyone loves him, and he's a very dependable person, and generally does a lot to help women, and support them. He still admitted to me that he cheated on his wife. It's definitely something I am conflicted with as I know and am friends with him and his wife so knowing has always made uneasy, and as I've discussed with my therapist before, one of the many reasons I have a hard time trusting people.

Like with Neil, we don't know for certain if it was actually SA, or consensual while being very problematic and highly questionable relationships. Unless there are charges, or it turns legal, there's no way for us to really know what to believe happened. It definitely disappoints me and breaks my heart as a fan of his to even think he could potentially SA anyone, and I think STP would be shocked, and probably not let him escape a good tongue lashing reprimand along the lines of "what the hell were you thinking?"

So let me see if I got this straight, Putin will call for a ceasefire if Ukraine irreversibly gives up all ability to fight back?

Yeah, makes total sense. /s


He probably doesn't agree with the "It'll be bloodless if the left allows it" part because he wants it to be bloody.

Yeah, the spell check kept trying to correct it when I'd type Sourcery or Sourcerer, so I just gave up and went with it.

It's definitely possible. This movie is set probably a decade before or so before Fury Road, so a lot can change vehicle wise in that span of time.

He's clearly from the school of "Is it the Tory Party that is out of touch? No, no, it's the voters who are out of touch."

It's like you're me. I am right there with you. Lost and feel like I'm barely treading water. Even on my 30mg of Adderall, I can't seem to focus. Maybe it just doesn't work on me.

Yes this late in the game. We're literally (counting this month since it just started) just under 4 months away exactly from the election. That's 4 months to find a new candidate, and to sell them to the voters. That's next to no time whatsoever for a national election like this. It would also open up the Dems to attack for being in chaos, and frankly that wouldn't be a hard sell, and then BAM you got more people who are disillusioned opting out of voting and we get to continue on this re-enactment of 1930s Germany and the Rise of the Nazis.

For fucks sake, look, I too think he's too old, but it's too late to change horses now and win. Want him to step down after he wins? Go for it, talk him into that, but trying to change candidates this late in the game is idiotic.

Idk, if he does die though, he's going to die a hero.

With that kind of trouncing, not sure it really matters if he conceded or not lol.

No worries. It's all subjective, and if it's not to your liking, it's not to your liking and there is nothing wrong with that, your opinion is valid. I for one don't think you deserve any downvotes for not knowing who they are or liking the short.

I definitely recommend checking out their other works and especially the Wallace and Gromit shorts, they've won lots of awards. They're one of the best, and one of the few stop motion animation studios left.

That's fair. Though if I recall, he even supplied them with tons of source material for the upcoming movies and story ideas, but with the lack of his direct involvement, they were left to their own interpretations of it all. It's supposed to technically be a prequel to Fury Road and about what Max was up to and why the War Boys were after him. So sadly, the discrepancies all come down to lack of communication between him and them and them taking a few too many liberties with their interpretation.

That car combat though.... man, I wish there was a new game plus mode. It's like Robocop Rogue City, it'd a blast of pure joy to get to replay the game fully loaded with your car and stats and tougher enemies.

Hell, I'd just go for the convoys being replayable missions because they were so much fun but once you take them down.... no more convoy.

So was Scrotus. Sadly I think Millers main issue is since he wasn't involved with the game, it's story didn't live up to what he wanted it to be. I still really enjoy it, even if it does a bit repetitive after you breach the barrier into the northern area.

To be fair, a sorcerer could become a wizard. Becoming a wizard is just learning how to cast magic.

But to be honest, it kind of makes sense for a Wizard to have a descendant who is a Sorcerer. Working with magic all the time probably can have a.... "funny" effect on your genetics. Like someone who works around radioactive things probably will pass on things that they would really prefer not to.

But then, depending on the fiction you go by, if a wizards family line has so many repeating numbers of children, they can make a sorcerer. Like in the Discworld novel Sorcery, an 8th son of an 8th son was a wizard, and he had 8 sons, and his 8th son was considered a "wizard squared" or a "source of magic", aka a Sorcerer.

I respect your choices, I don't agree with the Okay and Bad categories, but it's all subjective anyway.

But let's face it, almost all of the shorts were miles better than anything else out there. And so many of them I wish we could get full series out of.

Aardman Animation are the ones who made the "I Am Your Mother" short you put in the "Bad" section. Aardman created Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, Chicken Run, The Pirates, etc. Stop motion is their film style. Their SW short really makes sense when you consider who made it.

Same. I really like "I am your Mother". Not to mention their "Okay" section is also pretty good too, I loved "Sith".

:Jon_Snow: Jon Snow

He was guarding noothin' because that's all he knows.

To be honest, it doesn't really surprise me.