He's definitely the dad who expects a parade and a blow job for changing a single diaper

The thing that gets me is that you just KNOW that if Lynette had been diagnosed with PPD after Paige's birth (or just straight up trauma induced depression/anxiety following the nightmare she gave birth in), she'd still have to do 95% of the household work because Tom would not pick up the slack.

There is a certain kind of competitiveness between partners that is healthy and spurs each one towards self-improvement. This is not that.

I think they could also make a good fit for Chaotic-Horny though

In my mind, Leah is pronounced Lay-ah because that's the only way I saw it pronounced until my teens. Lee-ah would be spelled Lea or Lia, never Leah. Then I found out that most of the world doesn't use the original Hebrew pronunciation but I still need to remind my brain.

He tends to get involved with a lot of the girls' drama, while Bob rarely gets involved in the guys' drama. Because this show takes place in the early aughts, being gay doesn't mean they don't have to conform to gendered roles in their marriage.

They usually either get a small prize for each egg they find or the kid who finds the most eggs gets a bigger prize.

Shivrang first did an extremely underwhelming quasi-proposal that left Cece feeling underwhelmed. She thought she was missing the flash and the romance of a big proposal, but really, she just wanted Schmidt

Valencia is literally the sexy one, czar of torture

It took 40 years to build. And who even knows what type of work it would take to raze a castle made up of stones fused together by dragon fire?

Harren the Black didn't really seem all that concerned with practicality. His line of thinking almost certainly didn't go any deeper than "biggest castle=biggest king"

Did people buy tickets to a wedding in Thailand only for them to switch it to Hawaii? Because if that happened to me and it was too late to get full refunds, I'd just go on vacation to Thailand rather then sink even more money in another location. Especially since it looks like she's going to switch it again.

That's got to be it. For the sake of my sanity, I'm choosing to believe that's whats happening

My favorite pizza place added a pickle pizza to their menu fairly recently. I haven't tried it yet though.

They don't even put ketchup on pizza in Altoona, and they're heathens over there

That's just something people do, especially on reddit

All that and it's the poor kids' birthday? This has to be a troll

Is she at least listening or is she doubling down?

In my mind, the American health insurance system is so immoral and corrupt that tdefrauding them is an ethically good act. Assaulting a child is not.

I would have liked to have seen him mention it before the trial, as well as the time Bailey gave a child an experimental treatment that had never been used on a human before after his parents explicitly withdrew their consent! Insurance fraud is bad, but that was assault

I think the worst episode is the one with the poisoned blood where Mark says he's Richard's "only attending" after Derek, Burke, and Addison are affected by it. What? This entire world-class hospital only has FOUR attending surgeons?

And how often they end up pressuring donors! It's so bad that they even often acknowledge that they are crossing ethical lines, but it's so much worse than they portray!