You can't argue with people like this.

I grew up surrounded by right-wing family members. And they all use the same trick. They actively pretend to be ignorant and stupid. They pretend not to know simple things. They pretend not to understand you when you explain it very slowly and carefully. And then they insist that their stupidity somehow means they win the argument and you're actually the stupid one.

It is nonsense that drives every decent person crazy. Which is exactly why they do it.

The people who support this don't want a democratic society.

The Russians hacked both the Democratic and Republican parties a decade ago. They released all kinds of dirt on the Democrats but they have kept everything they caught on the Republican secret.

Shit like this is what that silence is buying.

Oh fuck right off with this nonsense shit.

We all watch this man try to violently overthrow the country when he lost an election. If you still support him you deserve to spend eternity burning in hell at his feet. You worthless, shameless Nazi piece of shit

Oh look, another Nazi piece of shit shamelessly lying it's asshole in order to justify voting for the man who already tried to violently overthrow the United States government.

Hell is too fucking good for you

And it is important to note that almost all of this is occurring at the level above where care is actually given. The people who are actually giving the care are not raking in money. Sadly they are often as squeezed as the patients are.

A headbutt is not the best way to attack people if you can help it. Your neck is relatively fragile and even if you hit well you can transfer too much pressure to hit and break it.

But sometimes weird situations come up, and if you find yourself being held by somebody aggressive and you have nothing else to strike with, then you want to try to hit with the very top of your forehead. Try to move your head relatively straight and try to get your neck as straight as possible when the connection is made. And if possible aim for something comparatively fragile like a nose.

May you burn in hell eternal at the feet of your Messiah Donald Trump for continuing to support him after he tried to violently overthrow the government.

Another shameless Nazi fuck accusing opposition of what their leader does.

After what the Supreme Court did any hope I have that this doesn't end in decades of violence is crushed.

Oh look, a shameless lying Nazi fuck.

Blocked now. Burn eternal.

This moth is one of the inspirations for Battra, the dark analog of Mothra.

And firing off tons of them all night long in a residential neighborhood is not responsible use.

But since every single asshole gets to have them now that is what we deal with every single 4th.

Nothing like having your alarm clock go off at 4:00 a.m. because you have to go to work and you haven't had a single wink of sleep because it sounds like you live in a goddamn War zone.

When I was a child I loved fireworks because fireworks were an event that you drove out to. They were done by professionals and they were not keeping innocent people up all night and terrifying animals.

To hell with all the people in residential neighborhoods who are setting off fireworks all night long. And to hell with the politicians who changed the laws to enable that shit to happen.

It is an old decent man or an old Nazi piece of shit. Anyone who claims this is a hard choice is also a Nazi piece of shit.

So you claim to find someone who stole a bag and was immediately fired and arrested a horrible abuse of power but you are actively defending the man who tried to violently overthrow the country and is now being pushed by 70 million evil pieces of shit to be the next president?

You are a fucking abomination.

Every sub that doesn't have a white list is completely flooded with them. And the subs that do have white list are dominated by a handful of Nazis who have spent the last decade getting into every moderator position that matters.

They are absolutely flooding every sub that doesn't have a white list. And unfortunately every sub that has a white list is dominated by Nazis who have spent the last decade working their way into every single major moderator position

The Leave it to Beaver episode did not show the full toilet. They only showed the tank. And only because Beaver was keeping a turtle in it.