For quant prep swift you meant the videos right and 5lbs, For verbal in doing the 2 months plan as well as the hw questions and the questions in the videos What else should I do for verbals I’ve got the ets og guide (the set with the og book, verbal book and quant book) Is this enough I’ve got only 1.5 months left before I attempt mine

Manhattan 5lbs new edition vs old edition?Specific Question :snoo_thoughtful:

Turns out they just releases the forth edition of the 5lb book of GRE Practice Problems, I have the older one which i assume most people would have the one wiht the green strip on the cover, whihc is th ehtird edition released in 2-18, the latest one has a blue strip on the cover and released in 2023, Since i do have th ehard copy of th eolder one, should i stick to that or buy the new one? How different is the content in both, i plan to give the gre in the next 1-2 months


may you live on and learn to embrace what it means to be human

Yeah so I just wanted to thank the external researcher, and then wrote to my mentor than I just got the abstract reviewed, and the reviewer had really great points to make, my pi said to share over the review, and I’m sharing that I sent the last part as well

he might’ve have pressed enter twice on latex

But like my mentor who is a post doc who founded a research collective, where he takes in multiple undergrads, mainly to mentor them, and when i look at it all, it’s seems I came of as very ungrateful, I apologize for digressing

As soon as I realized, I message my PI that I went overboard thanking him since as a stranger he gave such a detailed review, he replied with “Sure” I can’t stop overthinking this

And that why I’m a bit stressed, since he takes so much interest in evaluating my work as well as all the other undergrads he mentors

Is there any way I can salvage this situation, I can’t stop overthinking what my supervisor must be thinking

As soon as I realized, I message my PI that I went overboard thanking him since as a stranger he gave such a detailed review, he replied with “Sure” I can’t stop overthinking this

forwarded the wrong message to my PINeed Advice

I messed up big time, turns out I sent my abstract for review to a random external researcher I connected with, and since he took out the time to give one of the most detailed review of my work, i went overboard thanking him, and saying that nobody has ever taken such as interest in reviewing my work, and along with the review I forwarded the last part to my mentor as well, I'm so embarrassed right now, I cant stop over thinking this, I/m truly grateful to my mentor like he's done so much for me academically, i just want to bury my head in the sand now

I forwarded the wrong message to my PIColleagues & coworkers

I messed up big time, turns out i sent my abstract for review to a random external researcher i connected with, and since he took out the time to give one of the most detailed review of my work, i went overboard thanking him, and saying that nobody has ever taken such as interest in reviewing my work, and along with the review I forwarded the last part to my mentor as well, I'm so embarrassed right now, I cant stop over thinking this, I/m truly grateful to my mentor like he's done so much for me academically, i just want to bury my head in the sand now

hey, im an undergrad planning to apply for an ms as well, I do have around 6-7 months of research experience however no pubs in Journals or conferences, however i do have a workshop apper and a poster both at good conferences, do you think that would help?

im on a tight deadline ive got till 10th july to submit proposals

Final year project recommendation

Hello, I’m an undergrad about to enter my final year of engg, I’ve mainly worked within the social computing domain, with fair knowledge about ds and fundamental ml, I’m super interested into diving deeper into nlp and llm’s Any final year project recommendations which is an intersection between the stacks I’d like to learn and social computing? Appreciate any advice or suggestions! Thank you

how did you intern at ISRO and DRDO, thats absolutely crazy!

Do you have any idea how much a AAAI workshop would help out with applications and also a Stanford TSC poster too?