:ua: Ukraine

Armenia 2023 - mix of a Kardashian and Ariana Grande

Italy 2021- Victoria De Angelis looks a bit like a tougher Taylor Swift.

Iceland 2022 - Elin looks a bit like Amy Adams.

(Edit, whoops, wrong year on Iceland)

I personally never met them but I haven't heard many bad words about them both.

I'm guessing their Mr Beast order got sold out. All the lab flavors appear to be gone from the site.

Father, Son, and The Holy Plexus.

She literally had a sign on her wedding day to bail out

While this happened, the cause of his DQ was an altercation with a person who was filming him after he allegedly requested that she would stop filming (woman in question was reportedly Swedish) and she refused to agree with what he wanted and so unsure from there what happened exactly, but the woman was upset enough not to meet with anyone for any apology or anything to that effect - not sure of the extent of the incident, just that he did something to make her upset and feel abused.

I would consider getting a second opinion about the swelling left leg situation, just a suggestion based off my own experience. It could be a different cause that hasn't been found yet since your mother is still dealing with it not going away

Father, Son, and The Holy Plexus.

Oh honey, you're the poster child of why we need laws.

With a lot of water and exercise, yes.

:ua: Ukraine

Lena is the Zooey Deschanel of Eurovision. She's like a textbook Manic Pixie Dream Girl.

The thing is I heard people hating on him decades later for that traitor storyline, so that might have been a good idea in hindsight.

Father, Son, and The Holy Plexus.

If he was so "good", you wouldn't need to scare a little kid into a cult.

He does kind of look like Eric Roberts but saying that out loud would be an insult to Eric Roberts

Oh they were cool with it when it was their pastors.

He talked horribly about both of his daughters, especially when one of them was still a toddler.

I saw the red flags when he openly praised Jenny McCarthy for her work with autism awareness, basically defending her anti vaccination stance.

I was skeptical too but it ended up a favorite.