Yoooo why's the GS deep throating the steel though 😂😂😂😂

🤷 this ain't so bad then again I'm not super into sports..nor a weeb

32.50 an hour!? Why the fuck am I working in warehouses sweating my balls off for $25. Fuck this shit

I tried to do this but they denied me for my DUI I got 3 years back

He's using his hands to flip the board instead of his feet..quite not impressive. Keep in mind I don't skate but real skaters have this dude beat by miles.

They stopped drinking the beer 🤷 and now it's $21 a 18 rack at Walmart it's awesome

Tread lightly friend while mushrooms can be helpful for some things such as depression in lower doses it can be the exact opposite for some people. I already suffered from a little bit of disassociation from smoking pot back in my younger years never really felt the same afterwards and it took years before I was comfortable again took some mushrooms few months back seemed to open up a can of worms for me existential dread anixety and we'll I just flat out don't feel like i can concentrate anymore

I think it says alot when someone is just trying to let the racial differences that "separate us" sort of disappear Morgan Freeman I think said it best when asked when will racism seist to exist and he said "When we quit talking about it".

Black people can't be racist.... yeah alright I bet ya she's a 10 on that scale.

I mean yeah sure..it honestly doesn't matter to me whether they have sexually explicit clothes on or not..what does matter is they're bringing in women who don't play games..or care about them to make decisions on games..where the player base is like 70% dudes? Maybe more idk 🤷‍♂️

I'll hang out in the room 🤷

Idk man this website is a cesspool

Damn I'm like at least 3 of those 😬

Don't bother wasting your time he won't understand anyways

How do you even make that backwards ass comparison..do you even use your fuckin brain? Can you tie your shoes? Be honest.

I got 3 foot long philly cheesesteaks at subway today for $20