I've seen the "kill off the protaganist's family" trope so many times that the first time I played DA2 and saw Hawke's family I just let out an "Oh NOOOO!!!" lmao. I hoped against hope that it would be the exception but....well ya'll know how that goes!

Did that stop me from being emotionally devastated when each of them died? Nope! When I got Carver killed and I went back and reloaded and brought Anders with me into the Deep Roads.

I got tired of trying to find stuff I liked that DIDN'T have RGBs. Now I don't mind them and the pretty lights make my monkey brain happy. So does the way my keyboard lights up differently for different games.

Also you'll have to rip my Hello Kitty Razer mouse and matching mouse pad out of my cold, dead hands.

Carver and Iron Bull are the first two that come to mind. (Vivienne too but she was in the OP.)

Carver because people write him off an the "annoying sibling" but I think he's got such a realistic sibling relationship and feelings toward Hawke. He gets really good character development too. I think people forget just how young he is and that he's also had to sacrifice growing up in a family with 3 mages.

Iron Bull because I used to see the WILDEST takes about him in the discourse trenches on tumblr back in the day. Nobody is required to like the guy and it's ok to hate him but like.... hate him because of who he is as a character or how he was written. Don't do a Gold Medal worthy routine of mental gymnastics to stretch those reasons into "he is inherently bad and you should feel bad for liking him". IMO Iron Bull's character was one of the many victims of the "this Thing is problematic and if you like it you are also problematic" era of tumblr discourse.

I could also never hate my man Blackwall. Love him. He was my first Inqusition romance and the scene where you go see him in prison after he admits his crimes had me tearing up!!! I think the whole moral quandry involving his past and his crimes is one of the best in the game. (Also love how he and Sera get along!!!!)

I want a good mix of cool regular armor and cool vitaar! For vitaar I would love some that covers the torso and not just the face. Like the ones the qunari in DA2 had.

Only if Manfred is on screen to make funny skeleton bone clacking sounds every time you select Emmrich.

I did the opposite with my dog. I hyped the pill up like it was an exciting new treat lol. She scarfed it down like it was the best thing she'd ever eaten.

This is the first time I DON'T need to spend money on the Summer Sale for the first time in a while lol. I don't think I would spend THAT much and I would probably be alright if I did and I already have sooo many games I haven't played yet.

I comfort myself by telling myself that they will definitely go on sale again haha.

I have so many Tavs lol... But my most recent one from my co-op game is..


My Wood Elf Spore Druid, Adasta!

I know the Qun isn't a religion but I want sooo badly for Rook to have the option to be Tal-Vashoth. Playing a character who was raised under the Qun and lived at least some of their adult life under it would be such a fascinating perspective to RP from. Especially as a Mage.

I tend to bounce off religious stuff in general in games because I'm not religious IRL. It's hard for me to get in the head space of someone who actually believes. I still try though because it does give a lot of RP opportunity and can be very interesting.

I haven't played an Andrastian Inquisitor (my Tabris from DAO was raised Andrastian but struggled with it) but I did play a Dalish Inquisitor. And BOY that was a wild ride lol.

New around here, huh?

I guess I've been in fandom spaces too long because I'd be more surprised if Astarion/Cazador wasn't a thing people shipped haha.

Emmrich gets "Jangles" because the 5 pounds of jewelry he wears jangles constantly when he moves around lol. Or maybe he could be "Goldy".

Manfred gets "Bones" instead.

I brute forced my way through Origins the first time I played it yeeaaars ago on PS3 and I'm...probably going to brute force it again when I finally go back to it on PC lol. Maybe now that I have a few hundred hours in BG3 under my belt I will finally be able to use my brain when I play a video game but...I'm not optimistic lmao. (I am, uh, not very good at BG3 either...)

I'm most interested in the Mourn Watch because necromancers are my JAM!! Buuut Lords of Fortune fits what I have planned for my first Rook better so I'm going with that. I'm not disappointed because they seem super fun too. I love me a good adventurer background!!

Honestly I think I'm only really interested in playing a Grey Warden because we can play as qunari. I think being a qunari Warden is interesting because we haven't heard of or seen any before.

The more I think about the Antivan Crows the more I fun I think they'd be. I think I'd enjoy playing as a faction who have been the "bad guys" before.

So that leaves the Shadow Dragons and Veil Jumpers as the only two I'm kinda "eh" about. Shadow Dragons sound neat and I like to imagine my Inquisitors who romanced/befriended Dorian helps them out, but idk when/if I'll play one.

Absolutely love Venus and Twyla!!! I'm so excited that Venus is getting another doll!!!

As for Drac....I like her bat pring dress an that's pretty much it. I'm just not a big fan of pink/red as a color scheme. She looks like Valentines Day lol. Her other pieces are fine separately. Might pick her up when/if she ever goes on sale just for her clothes lol.

I'm sooo glad we get to customize horn material for qunari!! When I saw Taash had crystal horn I hoped so hard the we would get the option for qunari Rook!!! Also FORTY horn options??? I'm gonna have more qunari than the Qun at this rate lol.

I really hope that the reason they're being so hush hush about the character creator is because they plan to release it separately before the game launches. I might log a couple into character creation alone haha... Probably won't happen but a girl can dream...

Ok this is my favorite one. I love all your Garfields!!!

As someone with a lifelong obession of dragons you can bet your sweet behind I fell over myself running to get my debit card lol

I can block it out with regular nugs because theirs are too tiny to see usually, but I can't stand looking at nuggalopes """feet""".

The Maker didn't curse Thedas with the Blight, he cursed it by creating nugs.

People like you are the reason I do it lmao

This dude rode my ass down an entire two lane road and the moment I turned onto a four lane road, he shot out around me into the left lane and sped off. He didn't turn onto the road behind me and THEN pass, he just whipped around me as I turned. The road we were driving on was a 35 and the road we turned onto was a 40.

If you ever really want to infuriate other drivers, drive the speed limit or slightly under through a neighborhood.

I love Fenris's Theme and how similar it sounds to Mage Pride which I really like. Qunari on the Rise is pretty good too!

There are just so many good DA songs. I might have to have an OST marathon tomorrow lol.

me: oh man i can't wait to make my qunari Rook!! i've been brainstorming ideas forever!! can't wait to develop his character so he feels like a real person that exists in the Dragon Age world!!!

also me: i am going to give him a big dong because funni

Honestly same... Big reason why I haven't started it yet, I know I'll never finish it lol

I think I might do an Origins playthrough because I've only ever finished it once. I've finished DA2 three times and DAI four times so I don't feel much need to play those again.

...I would like to a sort of chronological playthrough where I read all the books and play the games in order though lol. But I dunno if/when I'll get around to it.

I think Taash has the potential to either be the reckless type to the exasperation of everyone else or be super brusque in a way that makes her seem standoffish.

I can see Davrin butting heads with the others depending on how they view the Wardens?

I assume Emmrich's necromancy will probably unsettle a least a few of the others. Especially since he's got a skeleton manservant lol.

Ever since I saw the pic of all the companions sitting together I have had the feeling that Emmrich and Lucanis are going to be a popular ship. I haven't read anything with Lucanis in it yet so idk if they'll have beef but...I think people are going to ship them regardless lol.