Definitely a weeb, but it looks like you're having fun!


The pack I wanted to come back, came back. I guess the next one I'd want would be the Tech Future Pack, but it wouldn't kill me if it didnt.

Tbf, its character consistent with then getting tricked.. but the tryna kill Zoro part felt super forced and dumb.

Man... I've been away from my gf for 2 weeks and reddit thinks I'm single. 😭

Please don't kill other people then kill yourself. Your life is your choice, but skip the first part. 😅 Anyway, you could work towards improvement.. not sure exactly how bad your situation is.. but it doesn't sound rare.. so there must* be other people in your situation who is also looking for a friend, and then cus you guys went through the same thing, maybe you will understand each other's struggle better than anyone else. (But pls don't team up to go on a killing spree)

I somehow ended up with a crazy hot gf. Dont give up fellas!!

You are so mainstream, and thats great! I too enjoy things other people enjoy. :D

I've never used kik, but when I was around 13-15, my classmates (usually female) were using it to sext grown ass men. So............ idk how it has changed since then.

I don't know what you mean by "how true" cus obviously this happens, but we can't treat it like it happens all the time, or all women do this. My friend ratio is about 50:50, and over the course of my life meeting thousands of people, and being friends with em over the years, not all at the same time ofc, I only knew 3-4 people whose pulled this shit. One of them was when she was a young teenager, the other one age 17-18-ish at the time and one was in her early twenties. But I also know a lot more women who is frustrated a guy wont leave them alone after telling him they're not interested.. or guys who seem dangerous/threatening so they kinda go with the "friend" route of rejection but absolutely want nothing to do with them.

Ps. Idk if the girls who did this still do this whe they're older.

Honestly, niceguystm are just people with emotional regulation and an incomplete view of reality. That's why they react so emotionally to things they care for, but in a weird twisted way, usually influenced by pop-culture movies. They don't have real world experience, so how they perceive the world is super romanticised. How you can get rid of nice guy syndrome is to genuinely meet people, talk to them without trying to get anything in return. This won't get rid of it entirely, but it'll help.

Maybe you can make her cum multiple times each time you have sex..?

Bruh. No. Like, there's ugly hairy chest, then there is yours. You're lucky.

No way this is real? Wtf???

It's from the best written arc in DBZ where characters get developed and not just power up for no reason at all.

I don't look at people's profiles to win arguments.. I look at it to see if they're worth talking to.. some of yall crazy.

If I am forced to, Blossom. She'd probably be a good student, get on a good career path and I won't have to worry much about her.

It is what it is, if you can't kill youself, try to make your life as least miserable as possible.

Hell yeah, I have a gf who plays fortnite! :D

They need to adapt the cover stories.