Right, like all the intense political moments from Saving Private Ryan. Thats what people think when they remember that movie.

You guys have lost the plot.

Star Wars is WWII in space. It’s spaceships zipping around in tight spaces, lightsabers, and loose ideas regarding good vs evil, higher powers, selflessness, etc.

The idea Star Wars is political or should become that is fucking dumb. It’s suppose to fun. But George threw a couple senate scenes in the prequels and you guys lost sight of all that.

No, I got that. Every post the last 5 weeks has been about the Acolyte. How could I not.

My point still stands.

Wtf is going on with this sub? Cross posts from r/politics now?

Not every sub needs to be about politics. Some escapism would be welcome.

And Biden sounds like his sundown syndrome won’t allow him to string multiple, coherent thoughts together.

In front of friendly crowds… in the middle of the day… off a teleprompter.

And he still fucked up at times.

If he did fine, then why is this new interview high risk again? You skipped answering that question…

Sorry guy. No ones buying what you are selling anymore.

Please explain how a pre-recorded interview, conducted by a political ally, is a ‘risky gamble.’

It shouldn’t ‘right’ anything. He’d need to do live events and show up at a second debate. Neither are going to happen… which means no one will be reassured and he can’t do the job.

George Stephanopoulos… worked for the Clintons.

Yeah, I’m sure that’ll be really hard hitting…

That’s fine. Guess we’ll see in a few months then.

It embarrassing that there are folks like yourself still pushing that bullshit. But ok.

The folks who have been hurt or are disgusted by Biden policy will… especially if they feel like they were better off under Trump pre-Covid.

Might not admit it in a poll, but when push comes to shove and they have no faith it’ll get any better under Biden/Harris round 2… yeah, they’ll skip this one. Or vote third party.

Sorry, I don’t buy it.

It may have not sunken in enough yet to be captured in a poll, but the debate moved the needle. Some supporters are gonna look elsewhere, and many more are just gonna stay home.

:usc: :delaware: USC • Delaware

Without a subscription, some of us will wonder if it was really ever here at all…

Additional counts of elder abuse… and counting.

Biden crime family indeed… haha

It must pain you that Trump is actually the moderate in this election cycle.

And I think you overestimate it as it fits a world view and/or gives you a talking point.

Fact is, when 1/20/21 rolled around, the dude left office. Didn’t barricade the doors, didn’t call in the national guard, etc. So come off it.

J6 was gross and unfortunate. Trumps actions that day were suspect. But folks like you are making a preventable riot into something it’s not.

assuming Trump doesn’t find a way to run for a third term

Cut it with this shit. It’s not gonna happen and you just feed into leftist talking points.

He’ll also be old as dirt. Just ridiculous all around.

I think JD has moved quite a bit since his book days… I’m not sure he has the same pull that he has in the past. If anything, I’d think he’d want to appeal more to Pittsburgh & Philadelphia. The middle of the state is gonna vote for him regardless.

overtake tge Uas government with a mob and fake electors.

Yeah, yeah keep pushing that narrative. I don’t think the majority of the American people see J6 as you do.

Tim Scott or Doug Burgum honestly. Both are nice guys that bring stability… and Burgum is loaded so that helps.

I don’t understand the JD Vance or Rubio push. I just don’t see how either really love the needle and just distract

The media cycle is going to remain on Biden after that debate. Seems the election will be a referendum on him, not Trump. So the smart move is to just be boring. Tim & Doug are brining.