Just use a different email to join. I have my 3 kids on my Spotify family under 3 random junk emails I use to avoid spam.

I eat in bed pretty much every meal. I throw a show on my TV or laptop, sit cross legged on the bed and enjoy. I paid more for the mattress than I did for my couch, I'm getting as much use out of it as I can.

I just recently had a porsche do this to me and an SUV, but he fortunately didn't hit anyone. I was going 75 mph, so they had to be doing at least 90. They made it, thankfully because I had a car to my left and right so I had nowhere to go. So frustrating when people risk killing you because they want to drive like assholes.

I get asked this a lot in my job, which is goofy because I have their birthday and age right there in front of me.

I say, "Ohhhno, I'm so terrible at guessing, I never get it right, how old are you?" Press until they answer, and, "Nooo way! See, I'd have guessed -lower number- and been wrong."

Works every time.

I worked today, I work tomorrow. I was going to get up at 0500 for work but my boss was nice and said to come in at 10, so I get to sleep in late.

Part of my brain is still convinced it's 2019.

I had 4 kids by 24. I wouldn't say I lost my 20s, but I definitely spent them taking care of others and ignoring my own needs, wants, and development.

Single mom here, 34F, 3 kids, 5 dogs. New construction 2 story that needed a ton of work to make the yard usable, inside it's just keeping up with allll the maintenance and cleaning and the damage done by 2 new puppies.

My neighbors watched me cut up over two dozen trees by myself with a chainsaw, a big pry bar, and spite. 🀣 I keep thinking I need to find other single homeowners in my area to trade project help with. I also just stained my deck, power washed my porch, first story siding, and driveway.

This summer the focus is continuing the yard work, burning limbs, running logs through a wood chipper, grading, grass. Going to clean the gutters on the first floor and probably hire out the second story. Inside I'm painting the contractor junk paint room by room, blinds, cleaning carpets.

I do a mix of work from home and going to the office. Too many work from home days and I definitely feel like I need to get out of the house. I find myself going to the store a lot instead of ordering for delivery if I wfh for more than a few days in a row.

🀣 Three things my brain refuses to put together.

I'm a woman and I also hug my male friends.

The 2 ac units, depends. My neighbors and I have about the same size house, mine is 100sqft bigger. Same builder, built at the same time. I have one big ac unit with 2 thermostats, they have 2 smaller units. I don't know why.

My monthly heating and cooling bill is pretty reasonable and I keep the upstairs set to 68 and downstairs set to 69 all the time.

Stairs, I have wood stairs and just clean them with Murphys soap, re-do the caulking and trim paint. Haven't needed to repair anything.

Yes, I hear my kids running around upstairs from my first floor master, but they're kids so they don't exactly walk nimbly.

Second story gutters are a PITA, but I'm just going to pay someone to come clean those.

I love my 2 story house, but stair safety is important. My now-ex was looking at his phone and wasn't holding the rail, fell down half the flight and landed on our metal dog gate. 7 broken ribs, lacerated liver, mild pneumothorax.

I knew I should have learned Morse code.

It's probably just part of her morning routine now. buuuuurrrt "Oh, 5 already? Time to put the teakettle on."

My ex farted every morning, too, but his was akin to the standard, loud whoopee cushion fart. That's not why he's single, so your foghorn probably isn't the deal breaker. πŸ€”

Is this to... take out the source?

Haha Not the red lens. I didn't even use my flashlight to avoid that, but there would still inevitably be those two on fire guard who took it way too seriously and wanted to yell across the bay at 0200 to get your name because you were out of your bunk.

And the flipside, the ones who would camp out on watch in their fleece jackets and wafflebottoms so when some random visiting master sergeant comes in we all get woken up, taken outside and smoked in our flip flops and pt shorts. Ahhh good times.

Oh man, I think my brain purposely forgot that. πŸ˜… Waking up in the middle of the night, front of the bay and making it all the way to the back before remembering my toilet paper is secured in my wall locker. Trudge all the way back and have to play with the combo lock while trying not to really wake up and also now reeeeally having to pee. I started hiding myself tp rations in my pillow case so I could grab and go and be back before I was really awake.

Thank you! They're really great kids, and they really so seem happier without him in the household anymore. Much less stressed.

This would be a nightmare, I'm so sorry your sister and her kids are dealing with that. I think I'm fortunate that my ex is absentee. It hurts my kids to know he doesn't care enough to put in the effort, but they can go through every day with a parent who loves them and cares for them where they know they're 100% wanted, and hopefully that offsets him being a dud at least a little.

Those poor babies, having to be around that. I hope they're able to get out of that situation soon.

I was just talking to a hospital CMA while they booked transport for a patient from the US to China. If the sheet went with, that'd be a pretty far migration. Also, the price tag of that one transport was almost as much as my house.