sigh lol that's what I was dreading! I'm just at the beginning now though, so I'll see what you mean when I catch up

  1. Area rug that is of complementary color to the couches, but muted.

  2. Wooden low central coffee table and small house plant to plant in the middle.

  3. Curtains to cover or replace the sterile vertical blinds which are a very different color to the black and brown shades that are common in the area.

  4. Larger house plant or fake plant next to the TV stand.

  5. Cozy matching pillows for the couches.

  6. Replace tiny frames on wall with bigger paintings or photos of cozy scenery.

  7. Consider getting a shelf to put on other side of TV stand to organize things and move the smaller frames to.

It's animation, so there is exaggeration. Real people don't have waists half the size of their head naturally, but Disney princesses do. Common thing stylistic choice to exaggerate certain features to make an aspect of a character more obvious.

ENFJ. Most relatable character would be Leslie Knope (Parks & Recreation). (Bonus: also really relate to Janine Teagues from Abbott.)

Goat! Kills enemies you didn't even notice

It's $19.99 per season in the US on prime 😭

All introverts and depressed extraverts

:Puff4: Hufflepuff

You copped and didn't actually answer the question, but rather just boo-hooed about how Ron wasn't equally as glorified as other characters. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ But, you do sound a lot like Ron in OOTP and HBP right now, so I get why you feel so connected to him.

:Puff4: Hufflepuff

They were literally all assholes at one point or other to each other, which was a very obvious part of their development. This question is just for fun and about Ron only. No need to take it so personally.

Think about what I want. Figure out how to get there. Break that massive task into smaller tasks. Do all the smaller tasks until I'm where I wanted to be.

:Puff4: Hufflepuff

He was the biggest ass to Hermione in Goblet of Fire about Krum when he was obsessed with him 2 seconds before she ever met him.

The leek, horseradish, and octopus challenges always the end of me

[πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§] to [πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ] (Lightyears)

Jesus, you sound like OP's boyfriend.

:Puff4: Hufflepuff

Agreed, and he didn't have any prejudice against muggle-born or half-blood students, which is more than we can say about a lot of the people in the magical community.