Glad you got it figured out, that's good to know, another reason I'll add to my list for staying on windows 10 lol

There was someone similar to your setup having the same issues that I commented on on an alt account. I'll link it to you, maybe he figured it out finally. If not you guys can relate to eachother atleast lol

There's someone that uses my HBO Max account, it doesn't affect me at all so I just let them keep watching vampire diaries and house of the dragon. I'm a pirate at heart, gotta respect the other pirates

What does the utilization on your components look like? What % of the gpu and CPU are being used? I've got a 3070ti, 32gb DDR4 Ram, and a ryzen 5 5600x, and I get 100fps 1440p high to max settings.

I think the humor has gotten better. Old seasons it was "how's Kenny going to die this time" and "Oh wow Cartman called Kyle a jew again lol" I prefer the more meta humor and big setups for jokes. I've got no defense for cheaping out on the art style now though.

Kingdom Come Deliverance has exactly this. People react to your clothes, if you're dirty they will mention it and it hurts your charisma, if you're in a full suit of armor they will respect you like a knight versus if you're in peasant clothes. Each town has reputation that you can build up with the citizens and the traders in a town. If you go thieving and get caught you will get worse prices in town at shops and be treated rudely by people. Very immersive.

Framerate caps on games, no ray tracing, downgraded visuals, lower pixel density on a TV, have to use a controller for every game when MKB is superior 90% of the time...consoles suck ass in my opinion

This but unironically. Vampire and goth shit is for corny 15 year olds and Carti is 29 lol

If they don't have plate armor, I spam stabs with my longsword. If they have plate armor I bonk them on the head with a ceremonial mace

You know how they didn't want the slaves reading and educated? It's the same today. The internet is informing people what's going on and theyre trying everything to destroy it so we all go back to being stupid and believing propaganda

Just keep a set of armor on your horse and then put it on when you're about to fight

My whole front page after they killed 3rd party apps has been mainly "new" posts that are garbage and have no upvotes. I wish they'd keep trash that didn't make it out of "rising" off of my feed.

They were right tho, it's popped in the sense that it will stop skyrocketing and now will stagnate for a bit while the redditors who bought last week bag hold

It is meant to be hard in the beginning. Just accept that this is how the game is supposed to play in the beginning and enjoy it. Before you know it you will be killing people no problem and you'll miss how interesting the game was when you had to sneak around and be scared of getting your ass kicked. Train with Bernhard until you have master strikes unlocked at the least

You're telling me you can't spell "Human" correctly but you spend time online reading and interacting in English? Makes no sense

I don't believe you're Dutch, I have never seen someone type like you. How are you reading and understanding what people are typing but you spell just about every word wrong. Why would "Annything" have 2 N's? You're just bullshitting, to what end I have no clue.

By misspelling all the words? If nobody corrects him he isn't getting better. I'm bilingual, you typically learn how to read and write first when learning a language so it makes no sense why everything is misspelled. Has he only heard English and now he's trying to write? Does he not read comments? Because if he can read he should know how to spell

There's a difference between grammar and spelling. Just use Google translate, you don't know how to spell.

Nope, I have a 3070ti, play every title 1400p max settings for the most part. The game runs buttery smooth 110fps max settings until it freezes and sits there for thirty seconds every 1-3minutes. I've timed it, it's just a bad port. Lookup Ghost of Tsushima memory leak issue, tons of posts about it.