This is why it sucks there no coverage until later on. Result spoiled now ffs.

It’s not height though- it’s roughly 2cm of effective top tube length.

Whether that matters depends on what sort of reach you need. Possibly a longer torso a 54 could work. Longer legs though and shorter torso you’d be better on the 52 and with a taller seatpost.

Let's go to the Winchester, have a knife cold pint, and wait fork this all to blow over.

Yep, lovely drive through the forest, but you’ll get to hate the winding roads and then you’ll hit traffic at Gloucester. It’ll be a grind.

:flag-gb: United Kingdom

Yes. And I do my best to deal with them, but now they’re clogging up the drains :(

Sex, thinking about sex and having sex are all perfectly normal human things.

It’s you that’s out of step I’m afraid. And the world won’t- and shouldn’t- change because of your prudishness.

Fuzz’s are brilliant to start with- simple and loads of bang for buck. A kit with a PCB would be cheap for a simple one. Honestly, if you were going to buy a load of guitar pedals then the hobby will save you so much. Build a Jan Ray for a tenth of the price, for example :) If you don’t have a multimeter (vvuseful) you can read resistor colour codes by inputting them here-

Yes- at least one. It’s very rare these days, but occasionally a component might be broken or have wayward values (hence measuring everything before soldering in permanently). Some stuff is so cheap, like resistors, that you might as well buy a bundle of 10 or so and start building up spares for other projects.