Koyan Light took me to pity. That was pretty shitty. I've missed targets with a good chunk of quartz before, but pity is easily the worst.

Everybody listed some excellent advice. That being said, if I was a new player and focused on raising my account power, my priorities would go Summer Skadi>Proto Merlin>Summer Ibuki. Summer Skadi is a top tier Quick Support who also gives powerful Buster crit buffs. She's super useful for a lot of your lower star powerhouses like Cu and Ushiwakamaru. Not to mention good Quick support doesn't really exist among lower stars. Next is Proto Merlin. She's really strong for survivability, since she has teamwide invuln and her NP gives max HP up and shit. That being said, I'd put her lower than Skadi just because Arts crits aren't quite as good as Buster crits imo. And then Summer Ibuki is a monstrously strong Berserker, which is always great for a new account, but at the same time, she is just a strong attacker with mild team support. Which is great, don't get me wrong, but strong supports make your entire roster work, not just the big beatsticks.

This is all just my opinion though. I'd advise maybe looking up some gameplay and on sites like gamepress, and judging from the event story.

Eh, the typing isn't important. Both are wife.

So calculator wife is asleep. I guess Sensei has time to play with secretary wife.

Time to celebrate with something off the secret menu!

Black Grail. If your supports are any kind of decent, there’s literally no reason not to grab BG.

Ichika is such a troublesome student. She’s going to need some serious correction.

Fairies are weird. 🤷‍♂️

Fairy king and his vampire daughter-wife.

NP upgrade, and I’d give her some kind of Trait damage like her Lancer version.

I got Super Orion from the DO, wasn't my first choice but still a great pickup. GSSR didn't give me anything new, but I was hoping more for another copy of Morgan anyways, so NP2 of her is still great. Kriem is NP3 now as well, which is still good, though I'd have preferred Dino Mom or Sei.

Yeah. I basically went Muramasa, S Orion, Melusine, Ivan, Skadi, Kama, Morgan, S Kama, and Oberon. Ivan would probably be the “worst” pull out of that (Melusine, the Kama’s, and Morgan would all be NP2, Muramasa and Orion are characters I absolutely love, and Skadi and Oberon are self explanatory). And even then, I still really like Ivan.

I’d honestly be happy if they start doing this at New Years too. Yeah, it’s a bit of money, but I’m perfectly fine shelling out money for a big pack of SQ twice a year for more SSRs already, what’s a bit more?

Super Orion S3 Bowman of Three Stars A+ --> EX. Now gains 20 crit stars per turn. More stars, more ridiculous crits. Easy buff.

Morgan S3 Beyond the Furthest End A --> A+. Increases the crit buff, and also gains 15 stars per turn. Again, easy. More stars, more crits. Reject Fairy Britain, return to monke.

Kriem, just give her an NP buff. I dunno if her kit needs anything. (tbf neither do Orion or Morgan, but I'm biased).

Hell yeah brother, always a good day when you get more supports.

I mean, 1/9th chance, not the worst odds. I got Super Orion out of mine.

Berserker 2 gave me NP2 Morgan and NP3 Kriemhild. Little disappointed with the Kriem, since I don’t have Dino Mom or Sei, but got my best case SSR at least.

Pulled Super Orion. Gonna have to farm octuplet crystals and hero proofs again I think, but hell yeah.

635ish quartz, walked out with NP3 Arc, my second copies of Karna and Ozy, with bonus Suzuka, Lobo, Kerry, and D'eon. What a fucking haul.

Gotta figure out my pool now, but hell fucking yeah. Sure, it's more paid SQ, but I love being able to choose my pool.

Why would you want to start with an FGO spinoff? /s

Also, Radahn is in fact allowed to change his mind. Sucks for Miquella, obviously, but shit happens.

I bought a full pack of SQ for my GSSR funds. Intrusive thoughts won and I tossed 2 multi's into S Kiara hoping for a second copy. Nothing but a bunch of Summer CEs. Ugh.