Ha yeah 4/5 of those things sound alright

I’m playing it some, I respec’d to a faith build. I want to play other builds, but it’s different leveling up a faith build than resetting stats for NG. So I don’t mind playing again but I’d rather start like a sorcerer from level for example.

Vas, Vass, or something like that. I guess he was just in it about halfway to show you that you might be heading that direction. But he was interesting.

Yeah I didn’t mind at all. It very similar to FC3, even the story or story formula was similar, but the loved the hell out of it too.

It was pretty bad at launch on consoles and partying up was a pain. But the game was awesome so we put up with it. But I don’t know why people are playing this game 9 years later. I do appreciate all the work Rockstar continued to out into the game over the years though.

I still liked 4. I played FC3 only months before FC4 came out and I would have been happy with just more FC3

It was awesome when it came out. There’s no way I’d put up with those load times now.

This. You have to piece the story together yourself. I like the game. I don’t have much interest in NG though.

FC3 was amazing. FC4 was just FC3.5.

Sure but you could finish the game and not actively hunt seeds or shrines. I ended up doing all the shrines but I had zero interest in searching for seeds.

I’m a Zelda fan. I didn’t think I’d like BotW. I played it after it had been out for many years. Turns out I love it. I liked the story too which made Age of Calamity much better.

You’re not going to get a better free game. They continuously change the game which keeps it interesting though I sometimes don’t like the changes and sit a season out. The only reason two reasons I can think of to not like about it is: (1) you hate the building aspect; (2) and/or you prefer realistic games. They have a no builds mode now but I think a lot of people would prefer to just play another game or they don’t love Fortnite but want to play with friends so they prefer no builds - this is cross platform so you might play on different consoles but hate playing builds against PC players.

I agree. I love Fortnite and appreciate how much they change the game each season. Sometimes I don’t like the changes in a season and I’ll sit it out. But some seasons are real good. Also, it’s free. I’ve spent a lot of money on games that suck, this is the best free game I’ve ever played. And the first one I played that was as cross platform to this extent.

I only played Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. I bought the Remastered Dark Souls but it just felt inferior to DS3. Are you undead in Demon Souls and Bloodborne?

The Industrial Revolution people were way too clean.

Let me clarify, I haven’t heard the want for violence from individuals I know personally. I live in Alabama, it’s mostly conservative. Even the Democrats would be considered conservative when compared to other states. I am only talking about actual authority figureheads.

The call to violence from Republican officials has been jarring and unprecedented. The post-Trump conservatives have a lot of extremists and the moderates are allowing it and enabling them.


We’ve had a lot of Speakers of the House that I wouldn’t want to be President.

You guys watch the Battlestar Galáctica tv show in the 2000s? It’s all fiction (maybe?), but the government seems to be modeled after the US, almost everyone dies in nuclear strikes and it’s the Secretary of Education that became President. If you are that far down on the list and become President, you’re President during the apocalypse.

Edit: When people were talking about Trump becoming Speaker of the House after losing the presidency, didn’t you guys think that it was somewhat a threat, that Biden and Harris would be assassinated to make Trump president?

If I recall correctly, women are less likely to get downgraded to manslaughter so there are stats against women and murder. I believe this is mostly where provocation would downgrade the offense from murder to manslaughter.

USA tag. Old white guy. If this was an electric vehicle, he might have hit it on purpose to “own the libs”.

He’s not even parallel parking correctly. You’d think someone with this kind of car would be more careful.