Think a couple of bits are true , lots of people who own a place a definitely millionaires. Most likely they do not live in Monaco as a lot of the places are rented & those renting have well paying jobs to be able to live there

Yes some F1 drivers live there , yes some people are dressed in designer wear but there are a lot of people also wearing Zara and just about every other commonly used store .

And there are 1000s of tourists from everywhere that pile off the train ti visit every day like yourself so you won’t be alone

Stay in Cap D’ail , above on Beausoleil or Menton and walk or take train in for € 2-3 .

GP F1 weekend is crazy so don’t come then unless you are going to see the races or want to see the crazy buzz

For reference Monaco has a lot of normal everyday people working , going to school , grocery shopping as everything else, just like every where else in the world

I am originally from east end montreal and have lived there for a year now . Not a millionaire or from any old money . Moved there after years in Uk & Greece . I don’t have a maid , I wear my H&m jean shorts & vans to walk to the grocery store.

I haven’t been to Naxos but have only heard good things

Crete is an all time favourite as my husband is half Cretan & my kids have spent countless days visit their grandparents there on holidays . Lots of beaches & stuff to do for all ages

As most of us do not live in Greece i’m sure traveling to some beach to find you is of zero interest.

You expect help but provide zero information.

Afraid of providing information but not afraid of sleeping illegally outdoors , think you should have a little rethink about your plan .

You don’t know which island , no dates and no one can possibly know if any given place has availability for your holiday days or if the price is ok for you .

Time to do some research or visit a travel agent

Look online what is available at the time you will be there and what is with in your budget

Officially wild camping isn’t legal in Greece, so police can be an issue if they choose to be .

Been to Crete , not sure what beach you would choose , sand / stones being wet & tidal changes and the mosquitoes ( sometimes tiger ones that are very aggressive and often result in infection an issue )

Could also be the target of theft .

Overall would not suggest it .

Depending on the actual number value of the hsv2 it’s possibly a false positive. Results of 3.5 and under often are if the person hasn’t had a swab to confirm during an OB & hsv1 igg is also positive. Called cross reactivity

This is how claims are paid , into a bank account . Have been paid that way for at least 20 yrs

Lived in Greece for 14 yrs have seen studios in titles but assumed just larger rooms & not necessarily equipped to cook a full meal . Basic cutlery / cooking items to eat a take aways , or cook pasta etc , make toast . For those looking for a cheaper options of not always eating out .

Most villas / homes we have stayed at have more extensive range if items to make a full meal, cut meat for bbq in the outdoor brick bbqs ect

My family flies a lot also , excess of 300+ a yr . Haven’t worn a mask in several years , we were flying a lot to Scandinavia during covid & no masks were required on those flights . None of us ever get ill . Think some just have a more robust immune system .

Also have a deep love for Crete, especially Chania & southern Crete . Have been dozens of times ( usually for 2-3 weeks at a time) but a week minimum is good. Definitely rent a car .

On another note my husband & I only started visiting Mykonos & santorini in our early 40’s after moving to Athens. We aren’t party people & would always choose high end boutique hotels with outdoor hot tubs & chill , some of the best 3-4 day trips. We rent a car , drive to the more remote areas to bbq restaurants that cook with no electricity. In Santorini we stay in Imerovigli & so the longer hiked along Caldera side to Skaros rock & towards Oia . Have gone at least half dozen times

Factor in the traveling / transit time & moving all a lot of you around. At least a 1/2 day lost each time . Plus should always have a contingency days for unplanned issues .

Wouldn’t take young children to Santorini, lie walls on cliff side & many hotels don’t allow kids that young to stay for safety reasons.

Would cut it to 2 places, Athens & Crete ( big island- been dozens of times usually 14-21 days at a time ) . Week minimum is recommended

No just someone who doesn’t want to be arrested & lose ability to travel or live in EU

No . The stamps in & out cancel each other and are currently used to track overstays in Schengan area . So last thing you want is to have ones that do not match up

We have claimed the max for 3 day delay $1700 or so and rest another 1000 + was from our travel insurance

If it’s multiple bags and hopefully it was checked under each family member separately so the claim is per person

Great family holiday memories , spent many easter’s bbqing everything that we could

For museum you need your exit , it’s landside

You can buy lounge access skyserve & goldair about 50€

To make sure i understand , it’s the return journey that the luggage is missing ? Usually airlines don’t pay expenses for toiletries etc .

If luggage doesn’t show up after 21 days then it’s a full claim.

Would call or better yet email so in writing what they will pay

To get to that area it would be better to use metro in & around Athens & not have a car until you leave .

I use google maps when driving in Athens & peloponnese

Get to a Specialist TMJ dentist asap . The disc that lets the jaw open close has likely moved .

Usually happens to people who clench their jaw ( habit / anxiety ) or due to having forced open jaw too long / much ( people who where braces )

Can become a chronic issue seek help fast. My daughters was clicking and soon after locked in place . Lots of physio , mouth guard and still after 4 yrs has reoccurring issues and will likely for life

I’m sure the toll amounts can be found online .

Downtown? Do you mean Centre of Athens, Piraeus or one of the other suburbs, you will not find a sign on any road in Athens to follow that says downtown / uptown etc .

That motorway is fine but it doesn’t take you directly to the centre nor does it stop there .

I think that depends on what you are used to .

We lived in Greece and were used to driving 120 km a day with crazy Athens driving & holiday in mountainous areas in north and are used to driving cliff side roads in dark in Crete so it was fine for us.

My daughter has been in uk for last 3 yrs ,she and all of her friends have always been carded in clubs , supermarket , literally everywhere.

They are all in their 20’s