Forget about finance, life is more important than anything (TW)nsfwOff Topic / Other

I’ve learned some heartbreaking news today. I took the rest of day off, and want to share this with you.

Daughter of a close friend of mine passed away from suicide. Last I met her, she was a bright young woman, studying finance and math, full of ambition and potential.

Despite her efforts, things didn't go as planned after graduation. She couldn't land her dream job, and it hit her hard. She fell into a deep depression, and tragically, she took her own life.

I want to remind you that life can be unpredictable and sometimes downright unfair. Especially in fields like finance and tech, where the job market is absolutely brutal and has its boom and bust cycles. Setbacks happen to all of us. Not getting that fancy finance job (or losing it) doesn't mean it's the end of the road.

Take care of yourself. That’s your first priority. Your mental and physical well-being should always come first, no matter what. Instead of locking yourself in the bedroom, get a gym membership. Build your body, and build your confidence. There is always a path ahead.