That doesn’t seem right. What if he died? Write in candidate or the Biden electors pledge to vote for the dem nominee?

Upvote for Beshear. Most popular Democratic governor in the US from a solid red southern state. Looks like he’s out of central casting for POTUS and would be very hard to attack, especially with short notice.

“Andy who?”, would actually work to his benefit. Popular southern governor in his 40s puts a lot of moderates at ease.

This will never happen, though. But I can think of a lot worse in a “break glass for emergency candidate” situation the DNC now finds itself in.

Probably not unusual at all. I don't think that fact will make anybody feel better about it.

I'm early 40s and think he has some form of cognitive impairment being masked by a stutter. I've seen decline. I ask my physician friends for honest statistics and honest opinions. Guess what they tell me?

I agree with you on everything except I don't have any real insight into how severe the rate of decline is, or what sort of diagnosis it is.

Here's the man around 10 years ago against Paul Ryan in a debate, just to highlight the decline:

Would you recommend that Biden get an in-person consultation and should the results be public?

Would you agree that it is likely (perhaps even certain) that Biden shows signs of mild cognitive impairment, if not full blown dementia?

Do you think someone with at least mild cognitive impairment is not really the best option to trot out in a national presidential campaign where the stake are incredibly high?

Is the prognosis (trajectory?) for someone who is 82 with MCI something that should definitely be of concern if we were considering a 4 year contract?

Beating Medicare and Illegal Immigrants are murdering our daughters are good points?

You or I, or hundreds of people we know, my friend, are much better than what was seen on Thursday.

When you are losing you have to take a risk - you have to start going for it on 4th and 1.

We cannot possible know if there is a candidate that would be up on Trump by 5 points until a new candidate is selected. We basically only have solid evidence at this point that Kamala is likely not it.

There are clues that point to the electorate being starved for an alternative to Trump and Biden. Internal Democratic polling is calling this person "generic Democrat," and they seem to be wiping the floor with Trump. See also, e.g., national polling for Haley vs. Biden in a general election earlier this year:


As EK has pointed out, right now we are losing. If the course continues we expect to lose in a close election.

Whatever happened on Thursday night was a disgrace and an embarrassment to the United States on the world stage. Whether Joe Biden is capable of doing the job or not, nobody is owed the presidency, let alone owed to be the headliner on a major party ticket.

Everyone reading this, everyone watching Thursday night is fully aware they can lose their job for one bad day, even one bad stretch of 3 minutes.

Everyone watching Thursday night saw what they saw. Millions not watching Thursday night will see it in clip after clip in the months to come.

Again, if we were winning, perhaps an interview with Howard Stern or a passable rally would assuage concerns. We will see what the polling data shows in the days to come, but will it really be a win if the polls don't move at all? That appears to be the best hope.

We will still be in the same place we were on June 26th.


Not only losing, but losing with even less hope of inspiring whatever energy is left in persuadable double-haters, people who are feeling a palpable decline and have given into despair and apathy while watching the worst televised debate performance in American history between two very unpopular candidates.

Perhaps we only need solid 2-3% movement in the polls to prevent a second Trump disaster. Deep down do you honestly believe Joe Biden, who is guaranteed to have more than one other "bad night," or "bad day" and is already older than practically anyone's boss or colleague in their private life has the energy and stamina to inspire those 2-3%?

If an elected official becomes too impaired to perform their duties or dies in office and is replaced is that undemocratic?

There will still be an election in November, with millions and millions of people participating.

I just realized that he meant defeat Covid and increasing eligibility for Medicare. I was genuinely confused when watching live and basically had to look away it was so bad.

That was very much intentional in my comment! Two bad options, but a decision needs to be made quickly.

What sorts of things are Democratic officials telling you off the record that might surprise people? After the debate performance, are there things you've never heard before being said or unprecedented actions being considered?

Do we ram the iceberg head on or try to turn the ship with the limited time we have?

In the scenario most are suggesting, where Biden steps aside and backs the new nominee, why would the new nominee (if not Kamala) not inherit most of his infrastructure?

Something that seems kind of lost in all of this to me is what name would actually appear on the ballot in the 50 states at this point? Will there be states, due to deadlines, that will have Joe Biden's name on the ballot but rely on voter understanding that they are voting for a different democrat?

This is a mess.

Andy Beshear would be better in this instance than Gavin Newsom. No baggage at all and too little time for the MAGA machine to find any. Also the most popular Democratic governor in the country.

I might hire him to fundraise for my nonprofit, tbh.

I would definitely not hire him to manage my hypothetical Dairy Queen franchise, though. Does not appear to have the necessary energy or charisma.

Who has Biden's ear that can help him see the truth of the matter and the seriousness of the peril? It's not going to be Jill. What does Obama think of the debate performance?

If Biden wins there is a large chance Kamala finishes the term - thus securing 2028. That may change the calculus a bit, no?

It is a shockingly rough area of the country to live in. The heat bakes the flat, red earth and the wind never stops blowing. Like living in a convection oven praying for rain but expecting a tornado.

I live in Houston now, which is its own sort of unpleasant, but Wichita Falls will be over 100 degrees for the foreseeable future, per the current forecast, with 104 by the middle of the week (Lawton same).