This person has way too much time on their hands.

I wonder if the person tee’d up at the top is still going to go after watching the first two’s fate.

I was gonna ask if everyone else saw the dog too?!?

I need more words here. How did this happen? Do you even know?

“All buckle and no teeth”

Also, you’re not taking into account people using it, quitting, then using it again. Its a match count that doesn’t care about repeats, people matching with multiple people, etc…it’s just counting.

Can’t someone edit your photo to make you bald and then everyone can vote or judge whether you should do it or not? Also, make sure there are a few ladies’ votes taken into consideration before proceeding.

I mean, in his defense, the cow does dress for the occasion in each video.

I like this idea. Add a draw bridge to get to the pool.

I feel like this should be a sport we can bet on, like dog or cock fighting.

Are we getting dumber as time goes on… Sad to say this is “the future.”

Feedback… Good job. Keep up the good work. Good effort out there.

This comment. Throw some lotion on that thing.