Hello, english is not my first language, pardon my french as we say.

So : for a client I had to transfer all his pictures (43000 +) and his Qumagie database to a new NAS. Of course as we know there is currently no way to transfer the full Qumagie database to a new device. So after a few hour of Google-fu (and thanks to this thread) I came up with this quite dirty way to transfer Qumagie data to a new device. Keep in mind I tried it ONCE, on two NAS my client buyed around the same time, so the system and the softwares are the same version, maybe it won't work on your devices, so don't try it blindly. It worked for me but it could easily backfire one way or another, but if you want to copy your database it's better than nothing.

Let's begin.

First you have to activate SSH on the two device.

Second : make sure the path to the files on the new NAS are EXACTLY the same (for instance : photos/YOUR FOLDERS

SSH into the source NAS

Input this commands

To copy the database to your user folder for easy access

cp -avr /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/data/s01 /share/homes/YOURUSER

(if there is no s01 it's probably because you didn't rebuild the database so the folder is s00)

To copy the face recognition thumbnail to your user folder for easy access

cp -avr /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/facedata /share/homes/YOURUSER

Shutdown multimedia station on the destination NAS

Copy the two folder to your user folder on the destination nas (from your computer by mounting the two for instance)

SSH into the new NAS

Input this command to copy the database to the destination NAS system folder

cp -avr /share/homes/YOURUSER/s01 /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/data/

Input this command to copy the face recognition thumbnail into the new NAS system folder

cp -avr /share/homes/YOURUSER/facedata /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.system/

Restart multimedia station ! And behold your complete Qumagie database is transfered

There is probably a way to automate this with a script to make regular backup of the database to a distant drive, I'll think about it later when I'll setup backups for my client. I hope it will help someone.