Some seriously stupid people hired in the police force

I love it. My little one will jump in my lap and try licking me to death, when I ask "What do you want" she gets serious, then I say "Show me" and she goes to the bowl looking back and forth at it and me. Love that dog so daaamn much.

No guts no glory

Kids these days just don't get it.


It always amazes me...

Buy game...

See item to buy but can play the game for.

Fuck why play game.. take my money again..

Even in a free to play game like this.

I don't doubt this is real for one second.

I have seen this far too many times from people that used to be close to me.

The drugs and poor thinking abilities make this sound legit to these kind of people.

It's sad.

I've lost too many friends and family to hard drugs.

Can never trust them again.

Why do people blame a game company for their own lack of self control?

Don't look at the cash shop.

Simple as that.

Your the one in control of your bank account.

Not them.

Pay your monthly and leave it at that.

Don't blame a game for your lack of self control.

Some keep calling it an experiment.

I'd say it's legit not some experiment.

Just because your negative about the US doesn't make it an experiment.

The only true problem are the politicians and the cohorts with agendas to divide the country for power and greed.

If only more humans were intelligent enough to see the ugly on both sides and vote differently instead of voting go-team.

The 2 party's have changed stances many times in the past and will continue to do so.

Start expelljng the negative bullshit and focus on positivty.

There's plenty of positive that gets swept aside for the negative shit you watch on the news or talking heads.

Stop watching news comentary and think for yourself.

They purposely hire lower intelligence people for many of these departments. Or so I saw in some documentary a couple years ago.

What do you expect?

Why bother leaving all this stuff for people to take?

Unless ofcourse your setting people up for your video clicks...

Which is my bet.


Something completely different was going on in her head.