Zoom in on the building on the far left too

Someone should tell Colgate and aqua fresh then. Just did a quick check on the fluoride in the tubes in my house:

Colgate 3-5 - 1450 ppm

Aquafreah 3-8 - 1450 ppm

Colgate adult 1 - 1400 ppm

Colgate adult 2 - 1450 ppm

The above comment was just me repeating what my dentist told me and all of our toothpaste seems to line up with it.

I don’t know if I’m missing something here but didn’t this go exactly as planned?

The hydrant is used to maintain the water level in the fire engine, it doesn’t connect directly to the hose the other firefighter is using in the background.

The engine has water in it when they get there. The hydrant just needs to be connected to the engine before the engines supply runs out. Which in this case it does, the firefighter in the background never runs out of water.

That’s £1 if you convert it to credit.


Me and you grew up in very different parts of the world if you could simply assume there’s always another parent in the household.

Life on benefits is awful nowadays, no one would choose to live like that.

It’s almost always that they need to be at home to look after a child. 30 hours free childcare is great, but many people simply can’t find a provider as there aren’t enough places. Even if you have a provider it’s still only 30 hours and only during term time, which when you factor in travel time to pickup/drop off and average it over the year probably only leaves about 15 hours per week you can work.

That’s a valid argument, but a different one. The government’s aim, right or wrong, was to reduce sugar intake and the tax did achieve this.

There isn’t much difference between adult and child toothpaste nowadays. There used to be less fluoride in children’s toothpaste but a few years ago they brought it up to the same level.

If they removed VAT on kids toothpaste but not on adults then I’d just start buying kids toothpaste.

I agree that you could in be going too fast doing 30 on a 30 road.

I don’t think OP is going to fast though. The weather is fine, visibility is clear, road surface is good, it’s not busy with either traffic or pedestrians. Why would 30 not be safe on this road?

I shouldn’t have spent the following 10 mins showing my wife…

Why is everyone assuming OP was doing over 30? I can’t see anything that suggests they weren’t following the speed limit.

But why are you assuming they’re doing over 30?

This is wild, I just spent 10 mins covering and uncovering the sides of the screen and it feels like I’m making the video speed up and slow down.

Might not be such a popular opinion in this sub, but I don’t think it’ll have as much of an impact on planetary exploration missions. The main impact with be on Earth orbit missions and maybe the moon.

The reason is the cost of these missions relative to the launch costs. For an Earth orbit mission the launch cost traditionally was the vast majority of the cost of the mission. Even a complex telecommunications satellite costs less than $100m nowadays with launch costs about the same for a 5 tonne spacecraft to GEO.

Whereas a Mars rover will cost more than $1b so the $100m launch cost is a relatively small fraction of the overall price. If you reduce that launch cost to $1m you’ll still have a mission that costs more than a billion dollars.

I agree we should all use metric, but for almost everything official and/or meaningful the UK is already metric. The only exceptions to this I can think of are road distances in miles and the size of beer glasses.

Most young people know their height and weigh in cm and kg and they are recorded as this for medical purposes. Food is sold in kgs, drinks sold by the litre (outside of pubs at least) and goods are measured in meters or cms. All weather forecasting is done in Celsius (not really metric but the global norm). Science, engineering, construction and medicine is all fully metric now.

I get the joke, but I have to be the guy to spoil it and let you know that meat in every supermarket in the UK is sold in metric units. So it’s always shown as pounds/gram (£/g).

So it’s not important to you if it’s below freezing outside? I’m assuming you live somewhere warm?

Wasn’t the news story the complete opposite of this too? The Tesla was the only one which could keep its heating on but all the ICE cars had to turn their engines off to save from running out of fuel.

I live near a couple of solar farms in the south east of England. If we get a tornado here, I’ll happy concede this information must be correct.

Testing on the chopsticks in preparation for catching the super heavy on the next flight.

Well a couple of 737-800 Max planes basically crashed themselves killing hundreds of people. I’m not sure I’d call that perfection.