He’s a spin doctor. “Truth” is laughable coming from his mouth. He spreads hate and judgement for things he doesn’t understand. He riles up the people watching him with fear mongering. All in the name of the money he makes.

I was going to say Rick Rubin but the glasses make it hard.

Yes you do. I don’t know how they did it, but it’s the best apple I’ve ever had.

I’m so sorry. It’s one of the hardest experiences to endure. I know it hurts now, but time only the good memories will remain. Just remember that you have him a good life in a loving home.

35 year old here. Looks like a ghost. I’d never have associated it with Snapchat.

My favorite was honeycrisp, but I’ve been stuck on cosmic crisp for the past couple years.

Honesty is key. Don’t keep things from her because you fear her reaction.

He’s a grifter. He’s there to make money, not fight. Whatever gets him more views.

Friday is a long way off for a shower head. It’s the cheapest and most widely available item on their list. Sorry you’ve been left out to dry for so long. I would be a little more pushy about the shower head once the tile is in. They probably have a Home Depot (or other big box store) credit card and could get one that day.

That casual walk to look for him seemed super helpful.

Oysters are fantastic if you season them like carne asada. I’ve been using them as my main taco ingredient for years. I’ve had a few of my meat eating friends request that we make them again after trying them.

Yes, contamination has happened. Just like in the food industry. The cannabis industry in California is heavily regulated. We submit materials for testing many times before they hit shelves, and they are again tested prior to distribution and retail placement. I worked in the industry for a decade.

It really makes a huge difference. Glad to hear it helped you too.

As a 35 year old “drug” user with no health issues, a great job and a loving family, I’ll go ahead and ignore your cringe attempt to convince me cannabis is in some way dangerous. If that’s how you feel, I can’t imagine how you’d react when I tell you I’ve been using psychedelics for 17 years. Your concept of drugs needs revision.