There nowhere near enough content online. The only way is to hangout with someone who speaks it.

I've been saying this forever but it wouldnt be such a small market if we held everyone to the same standard regarding work hours and pay. If you make it equal employers have no excuse to outsource work especially when there's incentive to hire equally qualified locals.

The first thing you should do is go to a doctor. After that you can discuss your treatment options with your doctor and wether or not they recommend physiotherapy.

You cant encourage people to use public transportation by makijg owning a car miserable.

Weightlifting burns a shit ton of calories as is so just watch your calories and macros, and time your carbs around your workout. You're gonna have to cut a carbs a little so just make sure you're having some before or during your workout.

We don't have a lot of content here so watching Kuwaiti media is probably a lot easier. Their dialect is also quite similar to ours so you only have to change a couple pronunciations and you're 90% there.

My first day owning the car i got a chip on the windshield.

For me its a confidence thing. If i can power a weight its gives me no excuse to miss a complex at that weight.

Nope. Too emarassed to call back.

Its more than most locals make ffs. He'll most people my age would love to make half that.

Idk but i don't like that my actions have consequences. Ila should do something about that.

Humans are adaptable so they're built for pretty much anything. The only issue is that we're not built to be in peak shape for 100 years. We're just built to survive.

Humans are adaptable so they're built for pretty much anything. The only issue is that we're not built to be in peak shape for 100 years. We're just built to survive.

I jave absolutely no issues with ila customer service. I just don't like how i have to spell out the very cringey email i made when i was 12 everytime i call them.

Li dayin was insanely good at 81. I guess he slowly became less competitive due to his injuries. Imo he was way better a 81 than 89.

I did it for 4-5 months and it sucks balls. I love my job and i look forward to going to work but i never felt more miserable in my life.

We've always been soft but the weather is becoming dangerously hot.

Im pretty sure this guy is a troll trying to piss people off. On one post he's taking about making 900bd and in another he's complaining about the food in community fridges for the poor. The mods should just ban him and save us the headache.

I had a former sprinter come for a hamstring strain. He had the most ridiculously developed lower back I've ever seen.

Fair enough. Just something to keep in mind.

It depends on the previous owner. In my opinion it's a good reliable engine as long as you do regular maintenance and dont do anything too stupid with it.

Just from my experience the coils and spark plugs are a pain in the ass to change. I havent done much beyond that but i assumed it would also be difficult.

Rta is pretty good but has a lot of high rep stuff early on that might not be fun with front squats.