Howdy! Does anyone know of any 3d printers that have multi-filament/color support and larger print volume (300mmx300mm or greater) in approx the $1,000 range?

My ideal printer is the creality k1 max, but with the ability of multicolor prints. Bambu labs has an excellent offering in this range, but the print volume is too small for my needs. (It would also need all the bells-and whistles expected with a printer in this range, i.e auto leveling, silent drivers, etc)

Personally, I feel this is a huge gap in the market right now, but maybe I just have not found the correct brand.

Update on this: I removed all the styrofoam and folded the seats down to finally poke around more. On my model, there are two holes cut in the body/chassis that can fit even my thick steel cable. Something can be pretty easily locked or even just tied down since it is not easily accessible. Should at least slow down a would-be burglar.

"metal attachment rings" definitely sound like a good choice! Now I will just need to find those. I do already have a cargo net and will be incorporating the "old blanket" technique. I have a secure case, so any good, hard point to lock a cable to is great.

I will also be looking into the dragon solution. Though there are no wise men or wizards with quests in my area. Also I think an effective dragon may just want to claim the treasure for themselves (?)

Creative place in the trunk to attach/secure precious cargo?Question

I will be traveling soon with some important/expensive cargo in my trunk. It is important enough that I would ideally like to lock it to the car itself in a way that would require time or at least a special tool to remove it. Ideally this would be a metal point that I could fit a thick bike/motorcycle cable lock through. My real goal is just to deter anyone from stealing this particular item in the unlikely case that they decide to break in when the cargo may be briefly unattended. I really do not need much, just need to make it very inconvenient to steal.

My best plan is to loop a metal cable through the folding connection points in the trunk area (I am not sure what they are called/what their intended purpose is), but these seem to be plastic and flimsy. I would be worried that they may even be accidentally broken just by attempting to pull on them.

A good solution I could see would be to replace one of those tie-down points with a metal ring of sorts and secure it with either a security bolt or a star-pattern bolt/screw, but this is effort.

Any ideas would be appreciated!


Yeah, this typically happens while the car is still idling a bit high after starting.

Great question! I heard the brakes were rather stiff in this car and considered this issue to be an annoyance. Though it has gotten worse, so definitely time to take it in, just wanted reassurance since I am unsure if anything is covered via warranty (I bought it used from a third-party dealer).

Ah, yeah, that is a good suggestion. The car has barely over 10k miles, so I was pretty eager to jump to the recall idea.

Excessive Force Required to Properly Engage BrakesQuestion

I purchased a 2023 CX-50 Meridian a few months ago and I think it is awesome.

The one thing I am having a hard time getting used to is the braking force. I have owned/driven a good handful of cars in the past and none of them had brakes that seem as dangerous as my current car's.

Specifically, if I am at a stop, my leg can actually begin to get a bit tired holding the brakes (yes yes, auto-hold, that is not the point, haha). The most dangerous aspect, however, is that if I start my car (foot on the brake, of course), then put the car into reverse, it will immediately start moving backwards at full speed and I will then full force slam the brakes in a panic. I learned to just apply about double the force I normally would when putting the car in reverse, but this is serious enough that I would not feel comfortable letting someone else drive the car in fear they would engage the car in reverse in, say, a parking lot and just slam into a person or object behind them.

Does anyone else feel this way? Or is this something I should be more concerned about? I did see there may be a recall regarding the brakes on this vehicle. At the very least, I would hope the car would refuse to start if not enough braking force were being applied to prevent the car from moving.


I attended SJSU for Aviation - Professional Flight, I graduated in 2021. The only thing it left me with was a sense that I need to save anyone I can from that program.

Perhaps this is just my attitude and personal feelings/experience with academia, but I left the program with essentially nothing. All flight training had to be done on my personal time as a separate cost. For 90% of my major courses, I came in already knowing the material (since you literally need to in order to have your licenses/ratings). This made classes feel incredibly boring and like a waste of money. I worked closely with my advisor to ensure I received the correct flight training, but they changed the rules near my graduation and tried to invalidate my licenses as counting as course credits. I was even advised to try Purdue if I wanted my flight training to count as school credit. The associate dean of engineering had to intervene so they would honor my flight training as credits.

I ended up graduating and getting my commercial-instrument ratings. The only value I got out of the education was the accident reviews we did at the start of class with Dan Neal, those were insightful and humbling.

I would heavily advise against this program. If I could redo it, I would go into a different degree that I find interesting and just get my flight training at my own leisure. This also gives you a lot of flexibility if you ever decide to change up career paths or anything happens to the aviation industry again.

Sadly this is for every role. I originally queued tank and healer, but switched to "all" to try to improve queue times. To no avail.

Yeah, it displayed queue times < 3 minutes for every role. We were queued as "all". The actual queue times are much different.

I had this happen as well, I believe. I did not get penalized for a leave afaik, but it said a game was found, the restarted the queue.

Extremely long queue times after latest patchNews & Discussion

Is anyone else experience extremely long queue times after the newest patch? I just came back to overwatch this past week and my queue times have been less than a minute, usually almost instant. But today queue times for competitive role queue are always more than 20 minutes, kind of makes the game unplayable. I queued for competitive and played Deathmatch while I waited for about 27 minutes, then was pretty much done playing for the day. Tried queuing again a bit later and I am at the 30 minute mark of queue time as I type this.

Seems it might be related to the new "wide match" feature since I am gold 2 on tank (unranked healer and DPS) and my friend is all unranked? Unsure if this is a feature or a bug, haha.

I am also experiencing this with two different packages from two different senders, sent on different dates. One arrived a day late, the other is currently 3 days late (not arrived yet). Their last scan was the Kansas City distribution center, before one magically appeared on my doorstep without any further updates.

Niiice, yeah that is really really good. 7k is practically new. Very epic.

Rpi 4 model B 8gb is $75 on adafruit and is readily available now.

An Intel i3 is like $100 for an older model. Microcenter's cheapest Intel CPU is an i3-14100 at $139. But it is likely you would need a full new build for a CPU swap + ram for that specific generation. Easily $300 for an extreme budget build.

Old discussion, yes an i3 dedicated build will outperform a raspberry pi esp when considering hosting multiple or large servers, but for self-hosting a single server, an rpi is a fair price imo.

Edit: Added product links for convenience

Yeah, faur. The performance is not comparable, but an rpi 4 8gb can for sure handle a 10 person server, so may be an economic/easy solution.

Single core performance is best for Minecraft. I use an Intel i5-11600K. This can host several servers at a time with about 5 members active and no performance issues. Though the newer Intel i3 have very good single core performance as well (get a last gen model on sale at microcenter or something for a really good deal), but you will need a new mobo and probably ram... So maybe just get a raspberry pi if you would like to invest money into it.

Yeah, that should mostly be fine I think. It depends though if all 10 will be online/active at once. I will host servers with about 10-20 members with 4gb RAM and not consuming too much CPU, but that is because the server load maxes out at about 5 users online at a time. Minecraft is pretty much single threaded (unless you run a folia server), so good single core performance is good. Perhaps consider running a Folia server if your CPU is under performing, but beware of plugin compatibility issues.

I would love a followup regarding performance if you do get all ten exploring at once!

Garage door safety sensor issue

Hello everyone, I would like advice/a sanity check here:

My garage door does not close, behaving as though the safety sensors (the little sensors that detect blockages) are blocked. The sensor lights are not illuminated on either. I tested the voltage at the sensors and out the back of the garage door opener. I got 0.7 volts on both ends of the wires. I have 0.7 volts at both sensors. I do not know the age of the system, but it looks reasonably new.

I have concluded that I should just buy an entire new opener system. Does this seem like the correct choice? I am not too concerned with the price, but I would like some reassurance that I have correctly diagnosed the issue and this will be a good fix.

Thanks in advance for any help!

I would definitely try. Could maybe get a few hundred off. Worst case scenario they say no.

You will have much more luck haggling for last year's model if you can find any still on the lot.

Just don't let their tricks work on you. The dealer I bought from tried to mark up the price by $6k their listing price so I just told them to call me back when they change their mind.

I have a 2023 meridian. I really like the turbo, but I find the power excessive. Personally I quite like that and find it fun and worth the money, but for regular commuting I would say it's absolutely not necessary. At elevation it would be nice, and certainly a consideration if you will be towing.

Also my advice: buy a used meridian! I got one with 9k miles for around $34k, pretty good deal imo. The meridian lacks some extra features, but it seems it did not sell well, so many were sold with 0% financing and the used ones are also comparably cheap.

Yeah, I agree, you don't get it and neither did consumers! It sold really poorly (as others have pointed out) for all the reasons you mentioned. They had to move them with 0% financing and now they are quite under-valued used.

So today the benefit is that you can get a really good deal on a 2023 meridian since not enough people wanted them. I got mine with 9k miles for about $34k, pretty good deal for the features it offers imo.

No, but they are offering good financing on the cx-5 rn.

I bought my meridian used with 9k miles and $8k under MSRP, super worth it to me.