I’d rather them live in nature and possible die than get skinned LMAO

They’re small animals lol ur disgusting I hope someone rips ur skin off too n wears it, see how u feel

Genuinely it’s gross poor little animals

Do u realise how tiny chinchillas are? I do cuz I have one and they’re the most precious things and ur disgusting

Some people do obviously but cheeks r so close to ur eye so yes you would get pink eye??? I’m concerned for people like you

Wtf bin it what kind of question is this, it’s 30 bucks not 300

Oh yeah strip the 300 little chinchillas it takes to make 1 fur coat, of their skin so u can wear:) why not buy faux or vintage? U realise waste is only about 5% of the problem with global warming

Thank u xo a smart person finally

What kind of question is that? It says both of their names up there lol

They’re not too old until I say so💅🏻💅🏻

Yeah u never know so it’s better to be safe

I meant that she’s embracing the American flag and doing trap beats again but go off lol

Doesn’t work like that in europe

Agreed, that’s how it is in Europe, Americans r just weird and should start paying their people decent wages instead of tipping

Cuz they’re friends lol they didn’t pay her