Yeah it’s seeming more and more unlikely. Was really looking forward to it, but we won’t push our luck and get stuck in a sketchy situation.

Appreciate the advice, we have backup camp sites booked just in case the conditions are not feasible. We will just have to keep an eye on the reports and hope we get lucky.

Good to know, we wanted to get in ahead of the July crowd and were willing to put up with less desirable conditions.

5 day backcountry tripQuestion

Hello! Me and my wife are going on a 5 day backpacking trip in banff in mid June (12th-16th). I am wondering what weather conditions we should expect? We are prepared for cold weather and snow, I’ve been checking the forecast for townsite and it looks like mid 50’s during the day and down into the 30’s at night. (Fahrenheit, we’re coming from down south). How much cooler should we expect it to be in the the mountains? And any other suggestions on our trip?

Day 1: sunshine village to Egypt lake Day 2: explore Egypt lake area Day 3: Egypt lake to shadow lake Day 4: shadow lake to twin lakes Day 5: twin lakes to vista lake trail head

5 day banff backcountry trip in June DISCUSSION

Hello! Me and my wife are backpacking roughly 40 miles over 5 days in the banff backcountry; I was wondering if anyone on here has taken a similar path, and if so do you have any recommendations for smaller (3-5 mile) day hikes around any of the backcountry campsites we’re staying at? Or any other suggestions about the area. We are experienced so difficulty isn’t an issue, thanks!

Day 1: sunrise village to Egypt lake Day 2: explore Egypt lake area/day hikes Day 3: Egypt lake to shadow lake Day 4: shadow lake to twin lakes Day 5: twin lakes to vista lake trail head

Current season ticket holders and people who donate the most get first dibs for everything. Once they are done upgrading or choosing new seats it should become available to you.

Did an 18 mile day hike in the Adirondack high peaks, trails there are ridiculously hard. Imagine just sloughing up dry river beds and boulders for 5-8 miles at a crazy elevation gain each way; no switchbacks to be seen, just straight up. At times scaling wet waterfalls and 10-15 ft boulder walls. There was one part of it the called the “hell mile” or something like that, it was just medium sized boulders going up the side of the mountain 😂 but the most amazing views at the peak were worth it!

Because nobody in the nfl has ever showed any interest in any of those coaches 😂 other than harbaugh and Pete carol there are no college coaches who have ever done well in the NFL. At least head coaches

Highest paid NFL strength coaches get paid about $250K less then he’s making at Michigan. So unless he’s going to be making almost double what the highest paid person in the NFL is making I don’t see this as an upgrade unless he’s making connections to go completely private as a trainer soon

I made a post complaining about no designed runs for JJ and literally the next drive he ran like 3 straight plays, it was hilarious

Well what the hell I guess they read my post 😂

If this case involves hacking into a system or illegally obtaining information than law enforcement will be involved (I’m pretty sure it is already). If that’s the case then it is an active investigation and there is probably a gag order, much more serious than anything the NCAA is in control of.

I believe he isn’t playing baseball anymore, wanted to focus 100% on football

Third best team they’ve faced??? Georgia played just as easy of a schedule as us and they struggled all season early in games, Texas lost to Oklahoma and struggled in other games? Defense doesn’t win you championships anymore, elite QB’s do and I’d take JJ over Milroe in a heartbeat. Milroe has crazy athletic gifts but he’s inexperienced and more likely to make mistakes. He may have the better career, but he’s not the better QB this season. I’m not saying we will blow out Alabama, but we are the best team they will have played this season.

My dad has worked in the health system for 40+ years, he has had season tickets for about 20 years and started taking me to games when I was about 10 years old. Been going to almost every home game for the last 18 years…even during the dark years. I’ve lived in the A2 area my whole life, also met my fiancé when she was doing undergrad at UofM! I’m in the trades so I never applied to actually attend the university but I’ve been around it my whole life, Go Blue!

All their practices are always closed to the media, most other teams usually have some availability at some point.

Arguably the biggest down year in the SEC in a while this season, their second best team was Georgia who played just as easy of a schedule as us? The only reason Missouri looked good this year because everyone else was so down. The SEC went 7-9 in out of conference games this year. Not saying the B1G was any better but the SEC was far from the dominant conference it projects it’s self as this season.

Michigan has way more Alum and fans nationally than Alabama does.

Limit the big plays in the pass game by keeping things in front of us, try our best to get pressure on milroe without blitzing so we can spy him. Teams have had success running on Bama so I think getting JJ out on the edge to loosen them up a few times will be big. Other than that I think we just have to play mistake free for the most part.

Because they were able to sustain 2 drives the whole game. But they didn’t just lose their best offensive lineman who is the key to their interior run game, and have their center battling injury during the game? I see your point I just don’t think it’s some great cause for concern. We have 4 weeks for the new OL to gel and get healthy along with JJ who is obviously still dealing with something even if it’s not major.

Allar only passed for like 15 more yards than JJ, and they had more rushing yards because they had like 20 more carries than us with an avg of 3.5 ypc. They had 2 touchdowns and a field goal on short fields from Iowa mistakes just like we did. They had two drives they sustained which is better than we did but they were also playing at home. Just because they had more yards doesn’t mean it was any more impressive. Also factor out OL injuries and our QB being banged up.