Is this what Dr. Sydney from MASH meant when he said to: “Pull down your pants and slide on the ice”?

This is obviously a trap, to capture and destroy unwary hands. And I would totally fall for it.

I must watch too much WWE. With all of the action going on, and people flipping around, I kept waiting for a clothesline or a power bomb.

As Scrooge McDuck always said: Work smarter, not harder.

This is the laughter I didn’t know I needed this morning.

I was thinking “Toasty” as a nickname.

That’s one of the most metal things I’ve ever seen.

I can’t remember if it was G1 Soundwave or Mirage.

I agree with all of this.

To Hell & Back (live), because that is the song they always end their concerts with.

I’m always amazed by the fight scene animation. There’s always something that makes me go: “Oh <BLEEP>!”

Oh shit! That actually made me jump the first time I watched it.