It's pretty decent smoke, smells nice, tastes nice. I dint think you'll be disappointed - the 15g glass tubs are nice too.

This is brilliant, I smoke my bong in the ensuite of my room, then blow it into a garbage bag and tie it up for an hr or so before i release it (it no longer smells). I make sure to clear the bong each time and I spray after each sesh. I often wonder if the house mates can smell it hahah

Haha same as me, 12 years old watching myself walk around from above. Kept having repeats of what I'd just done in my head. Then had a full on panic attack

Haha same as me, 12 years old watching myself walk around from above. Kept having repeats of what I'd just done in my head. Then had a full on panic attack

I used to infuse in coconut oil and then add to a full milk coffee. Coffee with coconut and canna is delicious 😋 even butter infused and added to coffee was pretty nice

Candor is very slow/unresponsive. It's frustrating but the doctors have been awesome

What is this? I've seen a few recently, and I'm unsure what it is.

They just threatened to share it with my family and friends. They sent me screenshots of what they were going to put up on local community pages, etc.

I tried to call their bluff... I said I'm comfortable with my body and go ahead and share it on the community pages. I also told a fib and said I didn't have any social media accounts, and whomever they thought was me, wasn't.

I've had this happen to Me, just block and delete them. Nothing more ever came of it.

Candor would have to be the slowest/worst business I've ever dealt with in terms of customer service/replying to you. I paid Monday for a follow up consult and only late last night did they reply saying they have a wait processing appointments but they gave no time frame as to how long. If you were going to use a clinic again, who did you have best luck with/easy to deal with out of the clinics?

chempro southport, i got some last night.

This might be a silly question, but if inflation is at 7% atm does it mean you are still losing 2% pa by having the money in a savings account?

I just read this comment and now I think I should get tested. I'm also 6'6" I have stretch marks on my back and a protruding chest. Perhaps I have a mild case as my arm/legs/fingers are not disproportionate, however I was born with a heart murmur so now I'm a tad worried. Thanks for bringing this to my attention as I think I'll get tested for precaution.

Was this pharmacann? Im considering switching as I wanted the blue cheese for something stronger and its never available.