And was it really a dirty look or just a confused look because ex was wondering why a strange person was just standing there.

Also the wife could have just introduced herself 

And then there are also mushrooms that are perfectly edible and harmless..... until you combine them with alcohol 

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you misunderstood what this person meant.

They didn't say that siblings can't be close without it being a red flag. 

They said that these two (step) siblings claimed to be close and as it turned out they were really close

And every single update starts with "I know I said the last update was my final one, but you are never going to guess what happened". And then proceeds to describe something that people in the previous update said would happen 

Not knowing you are ace because you don't know that exists is such a huge thing. And I believe a lot of aro/ace people go through that but I can only speak from my own experience.  For the longest time I thought I was bi because I was equally attracted to to men and women. Which as it turns out is not at all. 

I thought it was absolutely hilarious that every character was like "she wants to work too much, I couldn't do it 😭". And then the blacksmith was pretty much in love with her and loved that she wanted to work 24/7 😅

Fellow German but with a French first name. I have heard so many variations that at this point I react to anything that sounds close to correct 

I have seen this a few times before. How does that even happen? 

They have a bugged jump? What does the bug do? 

I thought I couldn't sell the tack but it just didn't light up green. But it still sold. So could try doing that. But if they actually took that option out I'm going to be pissed 

Would be great if it wouldn't most likely end up with the animals being killed 😢

Yeah, I didn't realize either until the in-game announcement didn't match the time table 😅

If you are in Germany then you have to be at the champi from one hour early. With the switch to Sommerzeit they don't seem to have skipped that hour with the champis.

If you want to buy on mobile you could try to access the website through the mobile browser. That is how I do it 😊

It's even called "bronze" on the the website. Anyone that claims that is gold is an absolute idiot 

Is that something that works? Might start doing that on the regular 😅.

No, but to be serious, it was so bad that most horses were just grey shapes. A lot  of people were also riding through the ground 

The deadest server is probably cherry swamp. Yesterday when the event started I checked the server status and that one was the only one still on low/low. The others were all at least medium to high in both columns

I had to leave the game because the lag was so bad with that many people. Gonna check everything out when it is a bit calmer 

Also Ryanair is known for their cheap prices. It could be a legit ticket that they just never intended to use.