I'm about to start pain management, and only want to explore steroid injections and possibly a nerve ablation, and maybe get help finding the causes of my pain. I'm already prescribed amitriptyline and gabapentin from my neuro and tizanidine form my PCP. I smoke cannabis (in a legal state) and take Kratom on occasion, neither of which I intend to disclose. I absolutely don't want opioids from this doctor. So you think I'll be required to take drug test in this situation?

Edit: Thank you everyone for your valuable insights! It appears that its the luck of the draw as to whether i get tested or not. I'm not too concerned about THC since i live in a legal state, and my doctor is young, so hopefully he's not a hardass. Its the Kratom I was concerned about, but I guess they don't really test for that unless they feel they need to. Fingers crossed that I make it through unscathed.