:MLBstl: St. Louis Cardinals

Bro got more than 50 downvotes for saying Lebron is a good dad 😂😂 what the fuck is wrong with the people in this sub???

:MLBstl: St. Louis Cardinals

The comments on this post are fucking awful. It is absolutely insane how many complete and utter losers attack Lebron for doing something literally every single NBA player would do if they had the power.

:MLBstl: St. Louis Cardinals

Never seen someone get this many downvotes for saying the truth. Absolutely insane how much people hate Lebron. Absolute fucking losers.

Take away Peyton's Colts ship in 2006 and he's the probably the biggest choker in NFL history. Without it, he's just got the one ship that the Broncos won because of their defense and a bunch of regular season records

Oh no, the 12 year doesn't like movies from before he was born!

Sorry, should have been more clear in my first post

Shut the fuck up

Fuck Bill Maher. And you can't even define woke.

"In 2017, the Webby-award winning AlterNet news service published a seven minute video of Maher’s “outrageous statements about Islam and Muslims.” Some of the clips include Maher justifying the exclusion of Syrian refugees from the “West” by stating that “their cultures are not like ours.” Another clip shows Maher claiming “if Muslim men could get laid more, we wouldn’t have this problem.” Another clip shows him reiterating his support of author Sam Harris’ inflammatory statement claiming “Islam is the motherload of bad ideas.”

There was a global pandemic and an attempted coup in the US this decade. Where you been fam?

I showed my parents the Christmas episode from the first season and they went on to watch the entire show

Have y'all watched Westbrook play the past few years??? He's literally one of the 10 worst guards in the NBA, especially if you expect him to play a backup role. He plays zero defense, he still thinks he's a great player but his FG% at the rim last year was an all time low, and he's just an absolute asshole all the fucking time

I mean I genuinely feel like you'd have to hate the grizzlies or yourself to think Westbrook would be a good edition to this team

Could not pay me to listen to Bill talk about politics

Idk why I'm responding to you because you keep arguing with points I never made, but since you're continuing on with these stupid ass points, maybe take a minute to think about how much money Tyus would require to return to the Grizz. Should we really be spending all our cap space on one guy who won't play in the playoffs? Orrrr, would it be better to sign a vet minimum guy who also doesn't play in the playoffs, but because he's so cheap, allows us to add a back up big, another wing, etc. Tyus is not getting added to the Grizz in a vacuum. He costs way too much for a guy who again, won't play in the playoffs

Who said Tyus needed to "carry us" in the playoffs? Cuz it sure wasn't me.

I literally said he cannot play in the playoffs, which is true, his offense falls off a cliff and he's targeted on defense almost every possession. We need a back up PG that can play at least 10 mins a game each playoff game, Tyus is not that guy

Melton is already signed. Tyus cannot play in the playoffs. Anderson can't shoot and would clog the lane whenever he's on the court. I'm good on all three.

I got downvoted on this and yet today, I was proven to be absolutely correct

Go check out their subreddit, they're all so angry 😂😂😂

Holy fuck we need the football season, these political posts on the Bill Simmons subreddit are just nonstop lately

Enjoy democracy for the next few months y'all, it's about to be a wrap