Amanda in the aftershow with Danielle..woof. girl. you have 0 business commenting that Lindsey was blind.

750 Club - Barre Fanatic

I usually do 6 classes a week. I used to run but got injured. I ride my peloton a few times a week.

Idk I lived in South Carolina (not Charleston) for a year and it sucked. A ton of fake nice, fake Christian types. Charleston is also overrun with rich bloggers who all wear the same thing.

If someone told me they wanted to post pone the wedding bc we were't getting along, I'd take that as a "no thank you to getting married" too.

I hate that they've had these horrible, serious convos at parties multiple times. I know it's their job, but if my partner approached me in the middle of a party to talk about my lack of ambition, I would not be pleased. Wrong time, wrong place.

You have to approach people too, it goes both ways.

Also it's ok not to graduation college with "lifelong friends" I talk to about 2 people from college regularly still and I knew them before college. I met my close friends years ago in the Junior League.

You would be better served getting licensed here. I did the Hopkins program, a number of my peers were physicians, many foreign but staying in their home country. I am not a physician but work in an academic medical center, same job I had before the program. I haven't had much luck with jobs yet and haven't found Hopkins career services super helpful. I'd go with Yale's program due to the lower cost. Yale obviously has name recognition too.

My 14 month ago has retrieved and half eaten 4 dead birds.

The constant asking "what's in your mouth?", never going to the bathroom alone again, the counter surfing.

All that said, I love ours so much.

surely people who knew her when her kids were born, recall never seeing her pregnant. Did she hide in a convent for 9 months ?

I wish I took more videos bc she was so damn cute.

Also wish we worked more on loose leash walking. Now that she's a big girl, she pulls so much, even with a harness.

so we are shaming her for not having sex?! sheesh. women can't win.

a local rescue? Surrender to the SPCA? google for your area.

A local food bank may be able to help with some dog food short term.

No. Danielle is tacky and lives in like a split level ranch. Rachel boring Hoo-ville person. NJ show entirely needs to go.

I do wonder what her fam thought and if they ever tried to intervene. I could see a willful 21 yr old saying BUT HE LOVES ME and ignoring her family.

Thomas is damn creep for pursuing you.

i think maybe she was blindsided bc she didn't expect he would really end it. She was looking for reassurance that he did want to marry her. She knew deep down it was a bad idea, but I think maybe would've gone through with the marriage, thinking it would get better.

oh wow how I cried the first couple of months due to lack of sleep. She's almost 14 months now and I love her so much. She's crazy pants but brings us so much joy. Our gal is high energy but my parents have a now 11 yr old lab who was always much calmer.

We still have to tell our girl sometimes to go lay down and nap when she's being particularly crazy.

My Hopkins diploma doesn't say online.