So you are hedging your data off 2 country’s china and India who are notoriously known polluters and have a history of killing their own people (45 million)through communism and expecting the data to be true. 😂 these country’s can’t even report proper population data but know exactly how many are dead from fossil fuels?? How many of them were 80+ years old how can they know for sure it was fossil fuels or a cold?

So how do you know that cold weather deaths far exceed hot weather deaths? Do you count deaths from China and India in those deaths? And how many of them were 80+ years old how can they know for sure it was fossil fuels or a cold?

We have a solution and it’s called nuclear. But you wing nuts have a problem with that too. And good luck getting China and India to get on board with clean energy.

Well I'm not opposed to nuclear. But no one is stopping anyone from building nuclear, it's just very expensive and takes a very long time to build. And right now all other forms of producing electricity are cheaper. So go right ahead spend your money building nuclear.

I’m going to go gas up my V8 truck and pay my magic carbon tax to make you feel better and to help you sleep at night. 😘

Yes you can do anything you want. But our children and grandchildren will pay for your ignoring the science.

LOL 8 millions deaths. Please provide source. Would love to read that.


Additionally, millions of babies lives would be saved in 3rd world country’s if they had access to cheap available fossil fuels to run their hospitals, incubator’s and health equipment. In parts of Africa the hydro grid is on 30 min rolling black outs…..better hope you plan your baby delivery accordingly !!But I guess you don’t care about that!! Just thinking about yourself as per usual with this camp.

It would be much faster to provide solar and wind energy to those countries than to drill for fossil fuel or lay pipelines or truck in fossil fuels which should be obvious to anyone. Unfortunately the problem is because of war and gangs that control everything people in those countries do, not energy of any kind. You should educate yourself instead of embarrassing yourself with stupid comments.

Well except for physics, laboratory experiments, and climate models that accurately predict the future temperature and sea level rise. In other words everything in science.

Did you know the earth rotates about the sun. If so, how do you know that?

The earth was WAY hotter when dinosaurs roamed the earth. They find T. rex fossils in Alberta all the time.

Well if it was way hotter when dinosaurs roamed the earth that proves we have nothing to worry about today regardless of what the science says. That makes perfect sense as an argument for a climate denier.

Cold weather deaths FAR exceed hot weather deaths every year.

Unless you count the 8 million deaths every year from fossil fuel pollution which wouldn't happen if we stopped using fossil fuels.

I don't care if you assume I'm lying. I'm not, and you should show some intellectual curiosity

Then back up your statements with some science. Intellectual curiosity doesn't mean what you are finding out is true. You need evidence to determine whether it's true or not. And you have presented zero evidence. When you don't have any evidence to back it up what you are saying it's called lying.

When glacial ice retreats (because we are still in a waning glaciation period)

Where is you intellectual curiosity. We came out of the warming glaciation period 10k years ago and started cooling.

do you know what we find was under the ice? Evidence of prior human presence there. The ice wasn't there before, humans lived there, and now the ice is retreating again.

And do you know that the evidence you are talking about was discovered by scientist. And they are the same scientist that are now telling us there is climate change. So why do you accept the evidence from scientist about human past but not the same evidence of climate change?

It's so strange how some people want a disastrous future, and that when there may be information that indicates a better future their instinct is to get angry about it. It's like a mass neurosis or cult. So strange

Well so far you haven't presented any information about anything, just some claims you have made without evidence. So where is this information. The science shows we will have a disastrous future if we don't change what we are doing. And you are saying that scientist should just not tell anyone and you think it will all go away. But increases in extreme weather and sea level rise are showing you are lying.

Structures in the interior of the United States are designed for 700 year storms. Structures on the coast are designed for 1200 year storms. And the data does show that those kind of storms and worse are happening more often around the world. So you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. And that doesn’t even matter for droughts, heat waves, forest fires and rising sea levels

Well that's just stupid. Of course floods have always existed but they haven't existed this severe since civilization began. Our infrastructure was not designed for extreme weather that is this powerful. As a structural engineer that designs bridges, buildings and other structures I know this for a fact. Droughts also existed before climate change but not this severe and not when billions of people depend on a relatively small number of farms to feed the public. And sea level rise did not exist to this extent before climate change.

Cancer existed before cigarettes but when man created cigarettes they made it worse.

Well how about you enlighten me of how hundreds of climate scientist around the world are not aware of how useless their data sets are. So far you have provided zero evidence of anything you have stated. So I have to assume you are lying and unable to support anything you say.

Meanwhile glaciers and land ice are melting, we have actual pictures, all over the world while sea levels are rising due to the melting and the expansion due to heat. Kind of hard to explain how thermometer reading, satellite readings, and ocean expansions are all being measured while your expert opinion apparently is that there is no increase in temperature. How about explaining all that data that shows you are just plain ignorant of the facts.

You don’t know how a thermometer works???

Where is all this evidence that you’ve been talking about but not providing. Unless you provide some, it will prove that you’re lying.

Ok then. Let's start with the excuses for what is happening since it can't be extreme weather.

Ah yes, the news whose incentive is to get your click and has never been wrong about a story nor have they ever exaggerated all written by 20 somethings paid by the story.

So when you see pictures of massive flooding and people that have lived there for 50 years saying there has never been flooding or drought like this it's just click bait that is exaggerated. And when you see that happening all over the world at the same time it's just someone being paid to make a buck. Right.

Insurance companies are leaving because of state regulations that limit their rates (California) and are affected most by poor forest management.

Yes where insurance companies have made money for decades suddenly it's the state regulators that are causing the problem. And it's poor forest management that is causing record fires even though those forest have been managed for decades it's just now starting. And those forest are causing flooding in Florida and other coastal states that are republican strongholds where the republicans say there is no climate change and no one can even talk about it in their state records. The regulators just don't want the public to have property insurance so the state can cover the damage caused by extreme weather.

The point about the military is quite hilarious since their leadership still continues to buy oceanfront property. I’ll believe it’s here when home prices in Malibu collapse. Everyone pays lip service to it because they don’t want to be called out but then when it comes to their personal choices they uniformly ignore it.

Again it's the leadership that buys oceanfront property but there never seems to be anyone that can show which military leaders are doing the buying. Although apparently you don't even realize that there is some oceanfront property that is not in danger of flooding because the grade from the ocean is large and the houses are relatively high above sea level. But feel free to post which military leaders are doing this because it's obvious that reports like this are false if a military leader buys oceanfront property. And feel free to ignore the measurements that show sea level rise made by tidal gauges and satellite data.

And I haven't even mentioned the scientific research that shows extreme weather is increasing. Like here, here, here, and here for just a few.

So continue to ignore and make excuses for all the evidence. But ignoring science hasn't worked well in the past. Fortunately climate deniers are a disappearing breed as more and more people are being affected by extreme weather as shown in the recent polls showing more and more people accepting the dangers of climate change.

LOL. And what science would that be. No intelligent person denies the global temperature is rising because of direct measurements by thermometers and satellites. So what theory do the deniers have to explain that? You certainly haven't provided any evidence that it is anything other than greenhouse gas emissions by humans. So what science is it that I'm ignoring. Provide some evidence or it will confirm you are lying which we all already know.

Are you serious. Do you ever read the news. Even the insurance companies are increasing rates or leaving areas completely because they can't even calculate the amount of risk so they can establish the price. And the military is saying the risk of migration due to climate change is a threat to national security and the Navy is saying their ports are at risk.

You have to read what the information is talking about. If you click on the link that shows what the article is based on you will find that information was published on April 9th which referred to the month of March. This article was written on April 26th which was also before the April data was available. That was when it was the 10th month in a row for the monthly temperatures to be record breaking months. Now the April numbers are out and April was the 11th month in a row for the monthly temperature to be record breaking months. If you AVERAGE the monthly temperatures for the last 12 months it will be the hottest on record. You can't just see a number and assume they are all talking about the same thing.

One of the problems from reading news reports instead of the actual science.

So still not addressing the real issue that climate deniers have no science to present and have never made any prediction about temperature that has ever been accurate. And the climate scientist continue to predict the increase correctly.

Lol. The issue is that you WANT an apocalyptic future. You're like the Hale-Bopp comet cult

I see you think the solution to the problem is to just ignore it and it will go away. So if scientists would just not tell anyone that the temperature is rising and it is causing more extreme weather, then everyone will just be happy and nothing will happen. Plus when things get too bad for anyone to ignore then the oil companies can say they just didn't know it would do this. But when is the last time people ignored science and it turned out well.

If what you believe is true then you might as well pack it in right now.

One argument from climate deniers is to say if it's apocalyptic then why do anything. That way they can ignore the case of what if it just gets really bad and there is a lot of suffering but not everyone dies. They just don't want to deal with that scenario because then it would be well worth doing something about it. And the simple fact is that if things are getting bad, which they are just now starting to do, then their world view is wrong. And we all know that just can't be right. So you must ignore all the extreme weather that is getting worse around the world so you can hold on to your world view and be happy. Unfortunately things are going to continue to get even worse as the world warms just like they are getting worse now. But as long as it's not affecting you personally you can continue to preach the science is wrong and you and the other non-experts have got the solution. Just ignore it.

How much energy is used putting CO2 into the air? It will take about that much to take it out of the air. Not a very efficient process. Better to spend money on not putting it there in the first place.

Do you ever present any evidence for anything you say or do you just assume everyone will accept your stupid opinions.

You're not special so no need to feel that way. Who do you think is confused and about what?

Which the science shows will increase global temperatures by 0.05C over the next 5-6 years. Interesting but pretty insignificant.

Clearly you're unaware that as I said there have been six or seven independent studies that came to the same conclusion as Mann. Just read the link posted by u/Infamous_Employer_85 for detailed information. So how has it been discredited when that many climate scientist have validated the same thing. The data is available for anyone to see.

You also may not be aware that Mann just won a million dollar lawsuit for slander against two climate deniers by a jury.

I see you conveniently avoided addressing the issues that climate deniers have no science to present and have never made any prediction about temperature that has ever been accurate. So why would anyone accept anything that the deniers say.

Here. Doesn't look like an acceleration, just a linear increase.

I’m very aware of the history of the hockey stick graph which is only scandalous in the biased eyes of Climate denies. Perhaps you are not aware that it has been validated six or seven times with other independent studies. And if the climate deniers have different information, they should present it. However, their record on Climate science is pathetic. And their predictions of the global temperature decreasing over the past 30 years is embarrassing. So I’ll take the results of the climate scientist over the deniers every time