In a familial way, right?... Right?

OP went with an early French WWI theme for his Kriegers. Hence, the light blue jackets and red pants.

There is always some crazy new mods that are coming out all the time.

Army National Guard

Anything I had to sign for.

My dad, a couple of years ago, had developed some issues with his bladder and was told by 2 different hospitals in the metro area that he'd need a catheter for the rest of his life. After having it in for a few weeks, he finally took my advice and went to the Mayo to ask them. And like I suspected, they knew exactly how to fix his condition, and 2 weeks later, no more catheter.

Vikings of Lake Superior (cordial Minnesotan) :mn-flag: ⛵ 🇸🇪

Quickly! Someone post the porn version of the comic!

:IVLEGION: Iron Warriors

Ever since I first started playing 40k 12 years ago, my absolute favorite battles to fight are sieges. So I naturally gravitated towards the Imperial Fists. But when I started HH, I didn't want to paint another Imperial Fists army. So I chose the next best thing, the Iron Warriors.

He won't go quietly. The Legion can count on that.

Because my man takes chest and triceps day very seriously

Tamurkhan, the Maggot Lord, the Son of the Great Kurgan, Master of Hosts, Bringer of Desolation, and the Favored of Nurgle. Actually, he would have a very good chance if the Courier did a melee build.

How Cain and Amberly talk whenever they mention Sulla, "let me tell you about this dumb, horse-faced bitch..."

Vikings of Lake Superior (cordial Minnesotan) :mn-flag: ⛵ 🇸🇪

All 5 of them?

You have cooked and made another amazing meal (project). It is requested that you do it again.

Lesser known fact. The Knights Hospitaller still has an active military component, providing medical services and personnel to the Italian Army.