2-3 months is just 2 versions. only yoimiya got the pleasure of rerunning that fast

Pressing her skill also leaves the same mark (that explodes and buffs the affected character), it's useful for her own damage with E+Q->switch. Sara's burst has the same effect as her skill too, no shooting required!


i think a little bit of the arm should be visible here otherwise the palm looks detached to me. Nice art tho👍

some people just prefer more chaos and that's fine, sometimes a little 12 spies on a team is funny and Uncletopia cannot provide that


Maybe this one? He has a thigh strap, he's more of a Hoyoverse character than the girls are!

if your incoming healing is 30% (crowned Furina burst) then it's maxed out

D. How short down to earth she is, how she doesn't look down on her employees despite being the president 👍

Just a week left, hyped since the first teaser


you have above average eye ownership