Good enough to reduce the strain on human eyes and make it more pleasant to look at

Pro Tsar Nicholas II

Must be a great country if dying miserably in a trench is preferrable to civilian life

"if they make a random assembly of other art then its not art" why though? And who decides whether its random or not? Who decides whether or not the creation is something "new and original"?
So what is art and what isnt and who decides it?

What art is or isn't is not objective. Everyone has to decide that for themselves. Art galleries have to decide that, art critics have to decide that, you and me have to decide that, some reddit communities can also decide that together.

Some have decided that AI art is not. I don't get the whole point of this sub though, if you have a different idea of what art is, why not go to an "ai-positive" art sub instead of imposing your idea on subs that are not about that?

Your comment is the perfect example of what I meant.

taking bits of other arts and combining into one" is factually not true

It kinda is though. Not intentionally, but both LLMs and AI image generators can occasionally reproduce the input data verbatim:

Did you know about this, when you dismissed other arguments as "uneducated"?

Its the case for collage art made by humans and they have no problem with it for some reason

If they make a random assembly of other art, then it's not art imo. But if they create something new and original from those parts, then it is. Whether or not you consider AI art to be art depends on whether you believe it's just about the product vs the process, intentions and artist

It may be small an silly to others, but a struggle is still a struggle, and a victory is still a victory.

Exactly, the people you should care about get it.

Also, for me it's a way to communicate how I'm really doing when they ask how I'm doing. If "folding laundry" is my achievement of the day, they understand that it's been a rough day.

A lot of "childish" behaviours are actually just deeply human behaviours that come out when people are stressed, tired, neurodivergent.

They key is what you consider "uneducated arguments" and what you consider "valid arguments". You think you "refute" an argument and it makes sense in your head, but sometimes others do not agree.

Every fucking subreddit there's someone who thinks that the Russians, Chinese, US Government, CIA, Big Corporations, Liberals, Conservatives or whoever the fuck want to subvert reddit discussions so hard that they bother to convince a handful of redditors.

Ultimately it's a failure of realizing that there are way more people out there with a different opinion than you think, because you've probably spent too much time in your tiny little bubble.

Tin foil hat time

Might wanna take it off sometimes, wearing it for too long can cause serious brain damage

1) that doesnt't answer my question about the training data and 2) what's the point of "innovating" and creating anything if there's an AI that can do it for you?

Great, now can you properly implement F-14 support?

What will AI be trained on if all the human artists get replaced by the AI that was trained on their artwork?

A lot of the value of Art (be it money, enjoyment or reddit karma) comes not from the piece itself, but from who made it under which context.

For example, I can appreciate a hand-drawn piece by an artist because they put their time and skill and effort into it. At the same time I can't appreciate an image as much that was done by prompting some generative model and picking a pic and posting that for Karma.

In that sense, I think it's absolutely legitimate to restrict subreddits to human-generated content, to avoid the flood of easily obtainable ai-generated content.

Another issue is that these generative models are trained on data that was created by humans, who need shelter and food, and now that AI will replace those exact humans that they were trained on, without paying a dime for their content.

Consequently, human-created art will become rarer and rarer, while AI art will start to produce more and more of the same styles and content.

Aside of the fact that it's probably not your job,

the ENHANCE functionality that I used to laugh about is now pretty much reality with AI tools.


I had this CPU for a long time, it was good, but I upgraded 2 years ago. This chip is now 11 years old, I'm not sure it can take DCS at reasonable frame rates.

Stop trading, just put everything in a basket of tech and don't touch it for 10 years.

Not gonna happen. By the look of OPs profile, he has a severe gambling addiction

Do you think it's possible that these outside entities have subverted Boeing itself, and are working on eroding the safety culture at boeing to make it looks bad?

I personally believe that everything bad that ever happens is Russias fault. This prevents me from having to reflect on myself critically and what I could improve on my side, which I don't want to do since that would be hard.

Instead I prefer to keep going as I always have, and if ever something goes wrong, I'll just blame someone else.

Because it's still information that might be interesting for some people? Or maybe not everyone knew?

WTF is reddits obsession with only being allowed to post things that are "surprising"? Can you point me to the rule where it says that?

4% Servicekosten und 1.66% Verwaltungsgebühren UND noch Depot gebühren?

Nachdem die Zeiten der Billigzinsen erstmal vorbei sind, ist es schwer Investoren zu finden. Aufträge von Pharmaunternehmen gehen auch zurück. Vielleicht sind das die Vorläufer einr anrollenden Rezession.


Wundert mich jetzt nicht gerade, aber meine Branche ( Biotech) brennt gerade weltweit ziemlich

Yep, bin auch in einer Biotech-nahen Firma und bin vor kurzem gemeinsam mit 3 anderen Mitarbeitern entlassen worden. Aufträge von Pharmafirmen sind zurückgegangen, Investoren sind schwer zu finden.

Pro Tsar Nicholas II

It also makes sense for the Ukrainians to want to get into NATO, because they need protection from Russian agression.

If Russia hadn't tried to establish a puppet regime, stolen their Land and supported "Separatists" in the east, Ukraine would have no reason to join NATO in the first place.