“Ultra realistic” - plays world of tanks :D

Disney is not a monopoly, your statement makes no sense. And even if they were, the whole point of a monopoly is to make more money.

She’s a feminist activist first and foremost and not a creative or visionary like Lucas. She’s just using her career to do her activism.

Hardly "universally" applauded. There were plenty of criticisms. And greenlit for a second season is meaningless. You know what else got a second season? Velma, The Witcher, Rings of Power.... Does that mean these shows are good?

Fair enough and tbh I don't really know the mad max movies so I'm looking at this from a neutral "does this movie look interesting to me" perspective. I've seen fury road but forgotten it completely. I only remember I didn't understand what the fuss was about. I think I'll watch the original movies sometime soon!

We are talking about ticket sales, not movie quality. "Good films sell" is not an obvious fact at all. In fact many good films bomb hard and many mediocre films can do well

They just generally don't watch action films. And a character like furiosa isn't someone that actually speaks to women or men. Only to feminist men and there aren't enough of them to fill cinemas.

Nobody said "white men". That's what you are saying. We were just talking about men in general. And it's not about "representation". That's a woke concept. When I see Sean Connery as James Bond or Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, I don't see myself represented. I see a character playing out very basic male desires (sex, violence, being in control, getting the girl, saving the day, or hunting a prey, being COOL) that might be aspirational or just a way for a guy to live out such desires through the fantasy. It has nothing to do with the woke concept of "representation" which is about being seen and getting attention and special treatment in society based on your sex or skin colour.

tbh to me it looked like another "can't really take this character seriously" situation. He should try taking the piss less.

Chani wasn't really a "girlboss" in dune 2. That movie was great in any case. One of the few worth seeing lately.

37 is not too late. Yes the dating pool is smaller but you can do it. I would probably take a bit more time to build up some sober time and self confidence. Work on some other healthy habits. I had to start over again at 38, but I still managed to find new partners after that. Currently single again so I do know how you feel. Those thoughts of "everyone has got someone but me" (and therefore they are all happier than I am) and "I'll be alone forever" can be quite distressing. I don't really have advice for that other than trying to see how realistic those thoughts really are when you look closely. We all gotta make the best of life as it comes to us right now. Maybe right now is lonely and uncertain and that sucks. Maybe we've wasted a lot of time with bad habits and that sucks too. But we can try again each day to improve our situation. All those people on FB aren't perfect either and they have their own problems and struggles.

This is a leftist critiquing right wing populism. Of course many of the same claims can be made about leftist and woke politics too.

Nah it'll be more like "a woman can be on the dark side but it will actually be a good thing, it will be empowering, and it's not her fault anyway, she was just misunderstood and oppressed and held back from her rightful ambitions by an evil man"