I fully expected MAGA before I went to the article, so my expectations were wrong. Hopefully this hate crime lands these (cannot find words that both describe how I feel about this and can’t be interpreted as dehumanizing because I do view any person engaged in this behavior as fitting such descriptions) in prison.

You are correct. Biden looked senile, trump did not. Trump is always a lying, rambling, bloviating ass - no news there.

“Knocked down”?!? You fell on your fucking face, old man, and no one touched you. GTFO

I have no chill around Boomers. They are responsible for and continue to pile on the shitiness of the 21st century.

Determining and enumerating official acts - super cool and completely unnecessary step to determine if a crime was committed.

That is the scary part with a lot of what is going on. Rugged individualism is such a romantic American mythos. Reality is that whatever the collective swallows is what will be in the trough. This isn’t the frontier and markets are globalized. It takes collective action and support to resist tides that do not serve the common good. So the individuals responding with derision to trying to bring broader awareness to the risk don’t really help anyone - including themselves (other than a little smug ego boost I guess). Based on the way things are going, I have little hope left sadly.

You missed the difference - I already have the power or the game in the example I gave. Why do I need to have MS involved anymore after I payed and downloaded the game?

Thank you and I know what you mean about everything needing and app and a login… why? I mean I know why…

Every kind of enterprise software I use for work does, so why is that so hard? Good point

I see what you are saying, but power delivery is different than access to something I purchased with the presumed right to access it at my leisure. I guess the comparison is would I be upset if I purchased power from the utility, stored it in a battery, went to use it, and the power company refused to let me use it… better analogy

Sure is. Once radio stations inevitably dwindle to nothing, we are really in an interesting mass communication dependence on cell towers and ISPs. Brave new world and all that.

There is no way rebar in asphalt is a thing. “Reinforced” asphalt cannot be rebar - there is no way the asphalt would ever put that steel into any tension.

That rebar is doing exactly nothing and why weld it? That metal tray is basically taking the whole load. Did you see the deflection when that small car drove over it? Why wasn’t the hole back filled? I hate myself for watching this.

Ok - I am in your age bracket, and $70 NES games were the highest I remember. What the hell game was 90?!? Or are you Canadian ;)

I feel like I am a shade too old to trust the high seas. I should talk to some of my other buddies that wave the Jolly Roger and see if I can’t join the crew.

Lost all my brother’s Steam library when he suddenly passed because we could not verify a login. Loved talking to him about games. Would have been nice to have those…

Never said any end of the world. It is just a reminder that the systems being built up around Web 3 (or whatever) take away ownership and access to things you buy. Make of it what you will.