prepare for France vs England final

A battle for who is the most boring team

no shit sherlock. he doesn't wrestle week in week out

Togans will be fine. After bloodline either they're gonna retire (because they're 40+) if not they'll be a solid tag team.

Zoey needs to be paired up with someone with a mouthpiece and good booking. she's a good wrestler.

Kross on the other hand needs to go! he can't win over the crowd. he got enough chances and still can do shit

Hogan's spot won't get her through in this era of wrestling also hogan was charismatic and great on mic and jade got none of those. she's gonna get the rousey treatment soon by the fans unless she improves

kross needs to go! he got enough push and didn't win the crowd over. this is the one release that vince got it right

default card. it's an amazing universe mode but pushing a new star is really hard tho.

and where's the nxt talent? last time i checked all of em on the main roster and Bobby was in ECW

you're french? because England ain't winning shit buddy just like the usual

i think France is gonna do the same and cheese it to the final against Spain

Don't turn your back on the wolfpac or you might end up in a body nag

why would he be in 2k24? he wasn't in WWE tv since 21 ig

Spotify made me hate Cody's theme. it's just annoying his theme just plays after every song i listen to (last year it was come undone now Cody's theme)

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