The way she builds up to the chorus especially on After Midnight and Pink Pony Club and My Kink is Karma. It feels purposeful and surprising at the same time

Bethy: Bad at sex, bad at technology, bad at life

Right? It made me so uncomfortable

I’ve been in love with Matt Berry for yearrrsssss and finally he’s getting the praise he deserves (as a funny man and a hot man)

I don't have any cats, but I sure do enjoy them.

You got DEE’d!

recently Nordic

An American threatening to school you is truly the most terrifying threat because either you’ll be done in by a school shooter or you have to suffer through what they call education over there

I was going to suggest tuna too since it’s my picky cat’s favorite and it smells far lol. Just buy cat food tuna instead of human food tuna

Bethy: Bad at sex, bad at technology, bad at life

Wonder what his son calls her now since she was ”miss Georgia” before 🙄 funny how she’s going on about waiting while he has literal proof that he didn’t


But we’re knee deep in the passanger’s seat and you’re eating my cheese, didn’t I feed you enouuughhh?


This little girl is called Moira aka Moikku, Moikkula, Moikkuli, Moiru, Miurumoiru, Moirulainen, Miiru, Moisku, nuhanenä (sneezer), kulta (gold), höpönenä (silly nose) and of course Moira Rose

Have you seen the video where a cat is shown a picture of it’s late owner? The cat starts purring and pushing her head against the picture and I start crying 😭

Bethy: Bad at sex, bad at technology, bad at life

Would be unfortunate to blow your dick off before you’ve had a chance to use it but maybe the gene pool wouldn’t mind

Especially since Casual by Chappell Roan is both about eating someone out and about things that cause pain like Jack don’t be jealous of our queer pop girlies making better music than you

God she is so immature, I’m the same age as her and I’m embarrased for her

I don't have any cats, but I sure do enjoy them.

Margaret is a stone cold fox

I love them 😍 I kinda want to knit a Chappell inspired sweater now!

I’ve always gotten more than enough lucky rings without needing any help, just hang out in the digging spot for a day or two and you’re ready to go

🪡🧵sewn like a misguided basket 🧺🗑️

I’ve been in therapy for five years and we’ve still not properly talked about when I was assaulted and every time we near the subject I feel like I’m going to throw up. So it’s crazy to me that she just so Idk casually throws it around that she was molested. Everyone deals with their experiences in their own ways but I’ve never seen any other person to deal with them like AL

🪡🧵sewn like a misguided basket 🧺🗑️

Am I supposed to believe that she was happily munching on Destiny when tasting every other damn thing makes her ”shooo nervous guise”

Gay culture has definitely gotten ahold of me, a gay woman

recently Nordic

Yes because British food or history didn’t exist before WW2